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I grab Calum's hand and walk towards the giant store. When we walk in, I squeal. "Addalyn, don't go crazy," Danielle says, laughing. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," I say. I drag Calum over to the stuffed animals.

"Stitch!" Calum says, taking the giant Stitch down from the shelf. He squeezes it and smiles. "You're so cute," I say to him. "Look, Addalyn! There's a pink Stitch for you." Calum says, handing it to me.

"Get it right, her name is Angel," I say.

Calum rolls his eyes at me and we continue to walk around the store. After finding some cute things to buy my family for Christmas, we go to the registers and buy what we picked out. "Now we have to find Danielle and Luke," Calum says, carrying the bags. We look around the store and find the two of them playing with toy guns.

"Look at those love birds," Calum says, laughing. "I did not expect Luke to be Danielle's second favorite, you know, because Michael is her number one," I reply. Calum snaps his head at me, "Who's your second favorite?" "It was Ashton, but once I got to know him as a friend rather than a celebrity, I didn't feel any love sparks."

"You won't leave me for Ashton, right?" He asks, taking off his sunglasses. "Oh baby, I would never leave you for Ashton. I love you too much to ever put you through that pain." Calum smiles at me, and places a kiss on my lips.

Luke and Danielle walk towards us, laughing like two kids in love. "Looks like you two had fun!" I say, winking at Danielle. Danielle smiles at me and blushes, while Luke smirks at her. "See? This was much better than going to a bar with Michael and Ashton."

The four of us make our way out of the store and to a bench by the stage. We listen to the DJ play some music while we chatted about life. Sooner or later, Michael and Ashton come back with drinks for Calum and Luke. "Nothing for us?" Danielle asks.

"Gasp! Two underaged teenagers want us to buy them drinks? No way!" Michael says, acting shocked. "Hey, that's all her, I don't drink," I say, putting my hands up.

Eventually, all of us decide that we were pretty tired, and make our way back to the car. "My feet hurt." Danielle whines. "Dani, we weren't walking for that long." "I got you," Luke says, picking her up and carrying her bridal style to the car. "Looks like the Duke ship is sailing," Michael says, wiggling their eyebrows.

"I've been trying to tell him not in public. He's technically still together with that other girl." Ashton says. "Didn't she cheat on him?" I say. The three boys snap their heads in my direction. "What do you mean?" "I thought I saw on Twitter that she did, but I might have read it wrong," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Looks like we have a little spy on our hands," Calum says, squeezing my hand.

We catch up with Luke and Danielle and get into the car, driving back to my apartment.


When we get home, I go into the kitchen and start to do some night cleaning like I always do. Danielle sits at the island and looks at the untouched decorations sitting in front of her.

"We never got to put up your decorations," Danielle says. "It's okay, I'll just take them with me when I go back home. Mom already told me she wants to redecorate the house." I say, laughing. Calum gets up from his spot and comes in the kitchen.

"I'm tired, I think I'm going to head to your room." He says, "Uh, where is it again?" I chuckle and put down one of the decorations I was holding. "I'll come with you. Are you staying the night, Dani?" I ask. "Of course I am! Hopefully I could get Luke to sleep in bed with me tonight." Danielle says, winking at me. I laugh and push her shoulder, while Calum gives her a look of horror.

"Don't take it seriously, baby," I say, rubbing Calum's cheek. He yawns and I turn back to Danielle. "I'll be back to lock up. Let me just take the child to bed." I say, laughing.

I walk ahead of Calum and lead him into my room. "Bed." He says, throwing himself on the bed. I shake my head and walk back out to get his suitcase. "Alright, boys. I only have two bedrooms. Calum and I are in one. Danielle has her own room. You can share with her if you want or I can try to make a little makeshift bed on the floor." I start.

"Yeah, there's enough room for one of Luke.. I mean you. One of you." Danielle says, pushing her hair in front of her face. "Two of you can have the couch." I finish. "That's alright, Addalyn. I think we can all try to sleep in here. Thank you for letting us camp out." Ashton says, smiling at me. I lock up everything and grab Calum's luggage. "Goodnight everyone," I say.

When I get back into my room, Calum is shirtless in bed with only his joggers on; a beautiful sight indeed. He notices I come in and turns off his phone. Calum holds his arms out, begging for me to come in with him. "Hold on," I say. I run out of the room and into the bathroom and change into my pajamas. Once I'm done I go back into the room. I jump into bed and Calum quickly wraps his arms around me. "Goodnight, my love." He says. "Good night, Calum," I say.
w.c. 964

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