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"You have an idea?" I ask her. "Yes, but we can't say it here," Danielle says. I roll my eyes, "Why do you make it feel like we're FBI agents.." I say. We walk in silence until we get to the car. "Now, this is gonna sound really crazy, but I need you to take a breath," Danielle says, putting on her seatbelt and starting the car. "Danielle, you're scaring me. Just say it!"

"Okay, so like I said, this might be a crazy idea..but why don't we go on tour with 5SOS?" She says, keeping her eyes on the road as we head home.

Did I hear that right?

"As in..?" I ask, confusion written all over my face. "As in following them around and go see their shows!" Danielle replies proudly.

"You barely had enough money to pay for gas today, where are you going to get this money to follow them around the U.S.?" I say, shaking my head. I knew Danielle was crazy, but I didn't think she would be this crazy.

"I knew you were gonna act like this.. hear me out! We're not following them everywhere.. only the places that are close to Florida. C'mon, Addalyn. Live a little!" She says, glancing between me and the road ahead of her.

"Live a little? This is stalking level! Danielle, don't you think you're getting, I don't know, a bit too obsessed?" I ask her, rubbing my forehead. This girl is giving me such a headache. "Nope." She says, popping the 'p' and smiling at me.

"What if people notice? What if they think we're Groupies? Groupies! I don't want the reputation of a Groupie, Danielle. Plus, I don't even have a job down here to support myself and pay for this."

"Addalyn, it's my idea. I'll pay for it." "You can't pay for everything, Danielle. I feel bad. You are strange with your money. One minute you pay for you and your friend's concert tickets, then one minute you can't pay for gas, but then the next minute you offer to pay to basically go on a tour with a band you're obsessed with." I say, crossing my arms.

"Hey, don't you start that. You love them just as much as me." She says. I sigh, "You're right, I guess I'm getting cranky. It's been a long day."


"So that's our plan," Danielle says as she sits across from her mother at the kitchen table. I was currently sitting on the counter, eating cereal.

It was the next day, and Danielle woke me up early so we can catch her mom before she was able to get to work. This also meant I only got 4 hours of sleep, which I wasn't happy about. We got home at about 2 am, and Danielle made sure I was up and ready to go to help her convince her mom to let us go. The fact that I was no longer wearing my pajamas made me depressed.

Danielle sat down with her mom and explained the whole situation about us going to Alabama together.

"Ooh, a road trip! Sounds fun. When are you girls leaving? I'll pay for half." Danielle's mother says, making Danielle squeal and making me choke on the Cocoa Puffs that were in my mouth.

You're telling me the mother agreed with letting her daughter and her daughter's best friend go to a different state after only being here for less than a month?

"Thank you so much, Mommy! We'll probably be leaving tomorrow!" Danielle says, running around the table to hug her mom. I sat frozen on the counter, still trying to process what exactly was going on inside my head. 

Is this what it is like to be an only child?

I hug Danielle's mom, thanking her for the "wonderful opportunity" she's allowing us to go on. Danielle and I head upstairs to start packing for our next trip.

Don't get me wrong, I love 5SOS, but I thought this summer would be very relaxing. I think this situation is just making everything worse...

What did I sign myself up for?
w.c. 694

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