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It was two weeks since we have been home from our little "tour" with 5SOS. Everything was pretty much back to normal; except the fact that I've been texting a celebrity for two weeks straight.

Currently, 5 Seconds of Summer were on a little break from tour, which means Calum has more time to text me. From the day after we left Georgia to now, Calum calls me every morning and every night. It was currently 8 o'clock at night, which meant it was Calum and I's nightly FaceTime call.

My laptop starts to make noise, notifying me that Calum was calling. I quickly run to my mirror and check to make sure I look somewhat decent. Even though Calum and I have been friends for a while, I still get butterflies every time I see him. Once I finish fixing my appearance, I walk back to my laptop and answer the call. Calum's face pops up very close to the screen. I start to laugh, "Hi, Cal."

"Hi, Addalyn!" He yells, loud enough to make my windows break. "How are you?" I say, fumbling with my hands. "I'm doing amazing. Look, I have pizza!" He says, giving me a big smile and showing me his pizza. "Very nice, I wish I had pizza right now," I say, putting a pout on my face.

He starts to chuckle, "Speaking of what you want, I heard from someone that your birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks.." He says, putting his phone down and fixing his hair. "Oh, I could just guess who might have told you that information," I say.

Danielle has been talking about my birthday for the past week, and wouldn't stop. I'm going to be 18, and she wanted to make this birthday the "biggest one I have ever had". But the thing is, I didn't really want to celebrate. My 18th birthday would be my first birthday without my dad.

These past two weeks have been rough. Right when I got home, I wanted to call my dad right away and tell him about all of my adventures. Reality didn't hit me until I pressed his number, and it went straight to voicemail.

You have reached Brian Jameson, don't know why you decided to do that.. anyway leave you're message after the beep. Buh bye!

I couldn't get his voice out of my head. It was like I was experiencing the event all over again. How from one week he was recovering, to the next being pronounced dead.. Everything was so-

"Addalyn? You okay?" I hear Calum say, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes, yup. I'm good." I say, giving him a smile. "No you're not what's wrong?" He asks. "I was..just thinking about my dad," I say, not even looking up and the screen in front of me. This isn't how I wanted this to come out.

"Call him! I'm sure he would love to hear from you." Calum says, staring into the camera. "I wish I could.." I say quietly, laughing to myself. Oh, how I wish I could..

"What's that supposed to me- Oh my God, Addalyn. Is he? Did he? Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought that up. I'm so so sorry." He says, the tone of his voice changing to be more serious due to the subject. "It's okay, Calum. No worries. Let's go back to what we were talking about." I say.

"Right.. you're birthday! You're gonna be the big 18! What do you want for your birthday?" Calum says, making silly faces at the camera to cheer me up. I start to laugh, "You're not getting me anything. I don't need anything." "You might not need anything, but you can always want something." He says, "C'mon! Just tell me."

"Calum, stop. I don't want a celebrity to buy me presents. It's okay."


Is that how she thought of me? Just a celebrity? I thought I was more to her..

Addalyn stays quiet until she notices my hurt look. "Calum, no. I didn't mean it like that. God, no. I'm so sorry. This FaceTime call isn't going good tonight. I'm sorry." She says, looking stressed over the situation. "It's okay, it's payback for mentioning your dad," I say, giving her a smile to hide the hurt from her words. "No, but I was rude. Like really, really rude. I'm sorry." She says.

I sigh, "You know what would make it up?" "What?" "Telling me what you want for your birthday," I say, giving her a cheesy grin. "Like I said, I don't even want to celebrate this year. I honestly don't want anything." She says. "You're lying. There's gotta be something you want." I say, trying to get something out of her. "Really, there's nothing," Addalyn says, ending the conversation quickly.

For the rest of the night, Addalyn and I talk about random things. From tour, to music, to food, literally anything. It was 10 pm when the call ended, and I quickly go over to Twitter.

Danielle I need your help
w.c. 856

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