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As we finish the last song on our Sounds Live Feels Live tour, I think about all the amazing memories and opportunities we have had on this tour. The highlight of this tour without a doubt has to be meeting Addalyn. I smirk to myself thinking about how I kissed her before the show. You're golden, Calum.

The boys and I take our bows and run off the stage. As we walk backstage, all of our families greeted us in the dressing room, cheering. I go over to my family and give them all hugs. As I go over to Addalyn, I hear everyone holler.

I turn around to notice Michael kissed Crystal. I turn back to Addalyn and smirk. She looks back at me, frightened. I pull her into my arms and kiss her. I hear my sister scream on the side of us, making Addalyn pull away from me and laugh.

We turn around to face everyone. "They're dating!" Michael screams, coming over and giving us hugs. Technically, we still aren't dating, so Addalyn and I just stay silent.

Luke goes to give Arzaylea a celebratory kiss, but Ashton stops them. "That's not an invitation for you two to start." Ashton says, making Addalyn snicker under her breath. Our manager soon walks through the door.

"Boys, I would like to congratulate all of you on the success of this tour. We made so many memories and also a lot of money. Now take your time and relax for the rest of the year. You all deserve it." He says. "THE REST OF THE YEAR?" Ashton yells. "Well, maybe next year too. We think it's good for you boys to take a well-deserved break." Our manager responds. Wow..

We say our goodbyes to everyone for the night, and head to the hotel we were staying at. Tomorrow morning, we would be leaving to come home and stay with our families.


"Afterparty at our room?" Michael asks as we get into the elevator at the hotel. "I'm down!" Ashton yells, high-fiving Michael. "Us too!" Luke says, making Ashton roll his eyes. He really didn't like Arzaylea, but who could blame him?

Before I could respond, Calum speaks up. "We'll slip for the night. Addalyn's leaving tomorrow and I want to spend as much time with her as possible." Calum says, putting his hand in mine.

"YOU'RE LEAVING ME ALONE?" Crystal yells, putting a pout on her face. "I'm sorry, my love." I say, hugging her. "You have me." Arzaylea says, grabbing my shoulder and slightly shoving me away from her. Calum quickly grabs me, knowing that I was about to fight her. "I don't want you. I want Addalyn." Crystal says to her, grabbing Michael's hand and leaving the elevator. We walk out silently and to our rooms.

"I'm gonna miss you, Addalyn." Ashton says, giving me a big hug. "I'm going to miss you too, my 5SOS bestie." I reply, making Michael gasp. "What about me?" He says, fake crying. I say my goodbyes to Michael, Luke, and Crystal. I give Arzaylea a head nod before going into Calum and I's room.

I close the door and take off my shoes. As I lay down on the bed, I think about the events that took place today.

Calum Hood... THE Calum Hood kissed me...

And then he just went on stage as if nothing happened! I didn't know how long I was laying on the bed thinking until there was a knock on the door. "I got it." Calum says, going to the door. There's a bit of chatter until I hear the door close and Calum comes back into the view with a tray of two champagne glasses and two bottles.

He places the gray down on the table and smirks at me. "So what we don't go to the after party? We can have our own." He says. He pops open a bottle of champagne and pours it into one glass. He then opens the other bottle and pours it into another glass.

"Champagne for me, and for the lovely lady who doesn't drink, apple cider." He says, handing me the glass. "You're adorable." I say laughing, taking the glass from him. "Do you even know how hard it was to get that big of a bottle? And then when I asked for apple cider, they thought I was talking about apple juice." Calum pouts, making me laugh even more.

Calum holds out his hand and I gladly take it. He leads me to the balcony of the hotel room. We sit there in silence, taking sips of our drinks and enjoying the view of the beautiful city of Sydney. After a while, Calum puts down his glass and takes mine from me. "But I wasn't done." I whine, trying to reach for the glass. He smiles and shakes his head.

"If you asked me back in February when the tour started that I would end with having a gorgeous girl in my life, I would have said no. And for the gorgeous girl to be a fangirl of my band? That would be even crazier to me back when the tour started. Sometimes I have to think to myself if that day back in July was real, and then I see you and all my doubts of that day go away. Addalyn, you are the strongest, kindest, generous girl I have ever met; besides my sister and mom of course. I thank my lucky star every day that we met." He starts.

Oh my God, this can't be happening... Is this real life?

"Now, this wasn't my exact setting to ask you this, but it would be lovely if you could be my girlfriend." Calum says, nervousness written all over his face.

I stare at him with my jaw open wide. My eyes start to fill with tears. "Are you serious? Like serious serious? Like.. Oh my God, really?" I say, starting to get really excited. He doesn't say anything but takes his hands into mine. "Yes, yes... YES!" I scream, jumping on top of him. I cup his face into my hands and kiss him. Almost immediately after, Calum kisses back.

"Thank you, for everything. I seriously mean it. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would have done with myself. You didn't know me when my dad passed away, but I knew you. If only you truly knew how much you helped me get through that rough time in my life. Thank you." I say, full on crying now.

Calum doesn't answer, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close, "Well I know you now, and that's all that matters. I'm not going anywhere. I never want to lose you."


It was the next day at 6 in the morning. Calum and I were on our way to the airport. Today I was heading back to Florida, and it was going to be a long trip back. As much as I didn't want to leave Calum, I was excited to head home and see Danielle. Hopefully, she didn't burn down my apartment...

We arrive at the airport and Calum parks his car. He takes my luggage out of the trunk and we walk hand in hand to the entrance of the airport.

"When will I see you again?" He asks as we make our way closer to the entrance. I sigh and turn towards him, "I don't know, but I promise I will call every day. And if I get a break from school, I will come to wherever you are in the world and see you." Calum laughs, "And you have the money for that?" "..You're right." I reply.

We arrive at the entrance and Calum pulls me into a huge hug. "Thank you for being you. Make sure to call me when you land in California AND Florida, okay? If you need anything, I will not hesitate to fly to you." He says. "Calum, don't worry. Spend time with your family, they've missed you." I say.

We separate from our hug and Calum kisses me. We pull apart and stare into each other's eyes. "One  more.. who knows when I will get to do that again." He pulls me in for another kiss. Eventually, it was time for me to go. "Bye, Calum." I say, waving to him as I walked away. "Bye, Addalyn." He says, waving back.

I turn around and walk through the doors of the airport. When I turn around again, Calum is still there watching me walk in. He gives me a big smile.

"I love you, Calum." I whisper to myself as I turn around and walk to airport security.
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