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"How do I look? Do I look like a normal person? Do I look like a groupie? This is crazy..how did this ever happen?" I say, rushing out of the bathroom. It was 10:45, and we were running late. Calum texted me this morning saying that a cab would be waiting outside to bring us to the show.

Danielle was finished getting ready and pacing around the room; something she always does when she's nervous. Lucky for us the power came back last night, so this morning we were able to get ready in a completely normal way.

"You look beautiful, Addalyn. Just like you always do." She says, getting emotional. "Why are you crying?" I ask. "I don't know! A lot is going on and I haven't taken anything in yet." She says. I grab my bag and start to throw random things in there. Sooner or later a knock is at the door. I walk over and see a tall man with a walkie-talkie staring back at me.

"Hello, is this the room of Addalyn Jameson and Danielle West?" He says. "Uh, yes it is," I say back to him. "Hello, my name is Richard. I am one of 5 Seconds of Summer's bodyguards. I'm here to help you get to the venue. Are you girls ready?" He asks, giving me a warm smile. "Yeah, yes. Let me just get my bag and we'll be ready to go. C'mon, Danielle." I run to get my bag and run back to the hallway, Danielle following behind me.

We make our way to the elevator and head down to the main lobby. When the elevator doors open, a few girls get excited to see the bodyguard but become confused when they see two girls. I see some girls whisper to each other as look our way. I just keep my head down and keep walking.

We see a black car waiting outside of the hotel. Richard opens the door for us and lets us in. He closes it and then he runs around the car, hopping into the front seat. "Sorry about the fans, girls. It could be a little intimidating sometimes." He says. "No worries," Danielle says.

It doesn't take long for us to get to the venue. I look out the window and see girls sitting outside waiting to get in. Just to think Danielle and I were in that position just a little bit ago. Now we're in a car..going to see 5SOS..after being invited to the show. Some girls stand to their feet when they notice the car, thinking that it's the boys. The car goes into the back alley where we would be let in.

Girls stood overhead by the railings, looking down at the tour busses, and the other commotion going on; all to just try to get a look at the boys. They start to scream and I look around to find the reason. Another body-guard and Michael stood at the entrance, waiting for us to come in. "Oh my God, I've seen this in my dreams," Danielle whispers to me, making me giggle.

"Okay, girls, heads down, please. We wouldn't want any photos of you two on the internet now, would we?" Richard says, hopping out of the car and opening our door. Danielle and I put our heads down and quickly rush in.

Eventually, we make it inside and the door closes behind us. "Welcome!" Michael's voice books through the area. Michael gives both of us a hug. As he hugs Danielle, Danielle looks at me a rolls her eyes to the back of her head, as if she was going to pass out. "How about a tour?" Michael asks, clapping his hands together. "Tour? Michael, you don't have a lot of time for a tour." A guard says. "Nonsense, there's always time for a tour with Michael Clifford Tours." He says, "Follow me."

The three of us, and two bodyguards, walk through the backstage parts of the amphitheater. Since it was an open place, we tried our best not to get caught by fans. Michael takes us backstage and shows us all of his guitars. Danielle gasps as she looks through the guitars, softly touching one. Michael starts to explain the background of everyone until I cut him off.

"Can I see Calum's basses?" Michael snaps his head in my direction and gasps. "What? You don't want to see my guitars?" He says, making his voice sound like he's going to cry.

"No, no, no. I do, but I don't know how much time we have left. So I wanted to see Calum's bass guitars." I say. "Okay, Future Mrs. Hood." He says, putting his guitar down and walking over to Calum's side. "Way to ruin my moment," Danielle whispers to me as we walk over to the bass guitars. I roll my eyes and playfully nudge her.

"Here are the bass guitars, they aren't as good-looking as my guitars, but I guess they're cool." I slowly walk over to the rack and look at all the different bass guitars. I gasp once I see my favorite one. It was black and white circles, or also known as the one he used while playing his solo in Everything I Didn't Say during Rock Out With Your Sock Out. "Oh my God.." I say, running my hands over the strings of the bass.

"Who knows? Maybe Calum can teach you one day.." Michael says, smirking. I roll my eyes and hit his arm. "Okay, kids; let's go. They are gonna start letting in the fans for soundcheck." Richard says, putting in his earpiece. I kiss my hand and then place it on Calum's bass, quickly walking away after. Danielle laughs at me and we head backstage.
w.c. 976

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