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I wanna get lost and drive forever with you, talkin' bout nothing yeah whatever baby...

It is finally July 1st and Danielle and I's summer has finally arrived. The windows are rolled down and we're blasting our music, driving down the highway. We just graduated high school and we both decided that the best idea was to take the summer off.

We are currently driving to Danielle's new house in Florida. Her parents moved down two months ago and Danielle stayed with my family to finish up the rest of high school. My mom allowed me to go down with her for the whole summer so I can get to know the area I'll be living in for college.

"This is it, Addalyn! Summer is finally here." Danielle screams over the music. Summer is my favorite season. Not only because we're not in school, but for the fact there is warm weather, long days and that it just makes me feel happy 24/7.

"I feel like I've been waiting forever for this moment. Finally, something good is coming my way." I say as Danielle drives past the 'Welcome to Florida' sign.

Last year before Christmas, my dad passed away. It happened so fast and so unexpectedly. I guess you can say I really needed this vacation. Florida was my dad and I's favorite summer getaway. It was sad that he wasn't here to live the dream with me, but I know he will always be with me.

A few hours later, we finally arrive at Danielle's new house. "Oh my God. I'm in love."

"Hank!! The girls are here!" Danielle's mother yells as she runs out of the house. Following right behind her mom, Danielle's two pups run out. "Hi, Mommy! Look at my babies! They got so big." She says, kneeling to the ground and giving the two dogs a good belly rub. Danielle's dad comes out and helps up with the bags from the back of the truck. "Welcome home, girls!" He says.


"My dad really knows how to make a barbecue. I think I gained 20 pounds just from the hamburgers alone." Danielle says, coming into the bedroom and unbuttoning the button on her shorts. "He really does, what a talented man." I say as I continue to scroll through 5SOS' Instagram page. Danielle sits next to me and joins me in stalking our favorite band.

As I skim through the account, I scroll past a picture of Michael and Danielle squeals. "My husband!" She says as she grabs the phone out of my hand.

I guess you can tell who's her favorite.

"Where are they performing tonight?" I ask Danielle. "Uhh... I think Connecticut?" She says more as a question than an actual answer.

"Damn.. we should've just stayed in New York. We could've been closer to them." I sigh. "Yeah, it's nice to know that we were within driving distance of my husband, Michael Clifford." Danielle says. "Well you have Michael, but I have Calum." I say, crossing my arms.

Calum Thomas Hood is my true love. I've never met him and he doesn't follow me on any social media.. but he's basically my soulmate. He is the definition of a perfect guy; beautiful, funny, kind, amazing... The list could go on and on.

"I have a crazy idea," I say, running over to get my laptop from my backpack. I turn it on and start typing in some things. "July 20th the boys are playing in Jacksonville. Why don't we go there?" I ask. "Tickets are only $206 for floor seats."

"Only $206? Got it, let me just pull that out of my ass." Danielle says. "Haha, very funny." "Any other seats?" She asks, taking the laptop from me. "There's some further away from the stage, $76." I say, pointing at the screen.

"Perfect." Danielle says, grabbing the laptop from me and running out of the room. "Where are you going?" I ask. "I'm paying for the tickets!" She replies. "Oh, so you can pay for those, but not the ones for floor seats?" I ask.

"Addalyn, there's a huge difference between both of those prices." She argues. "Is there though?" "Shush, just be happy I'm paying for your ticket."

I guess we're going to go see 5SOS!



"THANK YOU, UNCASVILLE!" Ashton screams into the mic as we finish our final song. It was our first show of the tour in the US. I was so excited to be touring here, so were the other boys.

We take our final bows and run off the stage. "Nice job, boys!" The team shouts. We high five the rest of the roadies as we make our way to the dressing room. "Alright guys, the first show for the North America tour is done! What should we do now?" Michael says, changing out of the sweaty shirt he was wearing and putting on a newly washed one.

"Afterparty at the bar in the hotel?" Luke suggests. "Sounds good to me." I say. "Boys, we're on the road tonight. We're heading to Pennsylvania, remember?" One of our security guards says. "Okay, then we bring the after-party to us!" I say, grabbing some of the beer bottles around the room, and putting them in my backpack.

Sooner or later, we were on the bus heading to Hershey, PA. The music was blasting in the back room of the bus, and we had a mini disco ball to help make the party better. "There were some really cute fans in the front row tonight, did any of you see them?" Luke asks. "I sure did, I couldn't stop staring at them, and I was all the way in the back by the drum kit! They probably noticed and thought I was strange." Ashton says.

I continue to chug down my third drink, and throw the empty bottle into the bag. "Alright boys, I think I'm gonna make my way to the bunk for the night." I say as I open the door. "Already, Cal? What's up with you? You love to party!" Luke cheers. "Luke, this is nothing close to a party. Plus, I'm just not feeling it tonight." I sigh, "Night, boys."

I walk out of the backroom and head to the bunks. Once I climb into mine, I pull the sheets over me and try to block out the loud music from the other room.

Luke was right; what is up with me? Ever since our last show of the European tour, I haven't been myself. I've been depressed and trying to make myself look good by pretending to be happy. The adrenaline for the band was slowly leaving my body.

After tossing and turning for about 30 minutes, I sigh and climb out of my bunk to go to the couches. I look out the window and notice how beautiful the night sky was. The stars glistened and the moon let off a nice glow.

"I don't know if this shit works, but if it does, maybe one of you guys could bring me some happiness." I say to the stars. After noticing it was much quieter at the front of the bus, I grab my blanket from my bunk and lay down on the couch. I start to close my eyes and fall asleep.
w.c. 1225

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