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<Author's POV>

"Where are we..."

"I don't know, maybe to the past or some sort..."

Mitch and Xavier, inside of their starships, floating above the clouds. 10 seconds later Mitch decided to take action.

Mitch: Come on, let's descend.

Xavier: Aye.

The two ships descend from the clouds until they met a blue colored dragon coming straight at them.

Mitch: ("Ice dragon?") *pressed the magnifyer on a holographic user interface to see better while sitting on the captain's seat* Ice dragon! We've got a ice dragon! Xavier, distract the dragon while I'm gonna attack on his six.

Xavier: Wilco.

Xavier is operating a Maximo class science vessel, a delta-flying wing ship. Callsign, "Rainbow Dash." The meaning behind this, not just a character, it's because his ship was equipped by a rainbow prototype turret.

While Mitch also operating a Maximo class, this time was a combat type vessel, his callsign was, "SL26" which means in Latin, "Solitarius Lupus 26." A deeper meaning of this callsign in English was, "Lone Wolf" and the number 26 means, "26th Century." He made this callsign because he set voyage alone for 5 months.

Maximo class (took inspiration from elite dangerous' python) (only the top view shape) (size of a cruiser)

Maximo class (took inspiration from elite dangerous' python) (only the top view shape) (size of a cruiser)

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(AWDZ: I had a drawing of a Maximo class starship but later on. And hey, shoutout for those who played Elite Dangerous!)

Back to the story, the ice dragon focuses on Xavier. Attempting to snatch his tail.

Mitch: ("Here it goes...") *pressed the trigger on his right sidestick to fire 2 upper bow heavy plasma cannons* AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

2 plasma cannons fired individually, destroying the dragon's wings and the body.

The dragon roars as it falls to the ground.

???1: Did you see that? 2 unknown flying objects just defeated a dragon by distraction?

???2: I guess it did.

???1: Well, RTB. (Return to base.)

???2: Roger that.

Two F4 Phantoms of the Japanese Air Self Defence Force headed back to base in Alnus Hill.

Xavier: That ice dragon almost got me.

Mitch: Copy that. ("Friend.") Look, let's explore this land. Look for any possible residents located in this region.

Xavier: Wilco wilco. Mike.

They both flew in some direction where they should explore.


JASDF Pilot: Sir, we saw a special region dragon but some two objects defeated it with their laser weaponry.

26th Century meets the JSDF! (OCs x Gate: Thus, the JSDF fought there!)Where stories live. Discover now