C. 9: Rory's Suspicion

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< Author's POV >

The next day, everyone was doing their thing, 'till Xavier wanted to stay in Italica a little more.

Back at Alnus, Mitch just finished doing his hygiene and start the day.

While walking, he walked and bumped into a man named Duran.

Mitch: Sorry sir.

Duran: Nah, its not a problem.

Mitch: Here, sir. *helps Duran up*

Duran: Thanks. I didn't see your face before in Alnus. What's your name? I'm Duran. King of Elbe. Commander of the Allied armies.

Mitch: Commodore Mitch R. Stones.

Duran: You can command a fleet?

Mitch: Yes sir.

At the distance, Rory heard, and approached them.

Rory: Hello Commander.

Duran: Priestess Rory?

Rory: Wouldn't you mind if I talk with this boy here?

Duran: Of course, see you around.

Rory: Well, Mitch, let's talk in somewhere private.

Mitch: Very well.

Then, they walked away to find somewhere private.

Moments later, they arrived at their destination.

Rory: This should be well.

Mitch: Now, what are we gonna talk about, Rory?

Rory: Well, I'd like to know about on how you catch Giselle that fast.

Mitch stayed silent.

Rory: You couldn't answer, hmm. Are you a wizard/magician?

Mitch: Yes.

Rory: Well, where did you learn magic in your world?

Mitch: Well. *looks at his hands* I got them in the means of a God/Goddess, then learned more in an academy in other universe.

Rory: Well first, we need to go to the wilderness.

Mitch: For what? Proving it?

Rory: Of course.

Mitch: But first, I need a permit from the administration.

Rory: Alright, I'll wait on the door of the administration building. Be fast!~

Mitch then rushed to the administration building to get the permit from the General Hazama himself.

Once in the general's office, Mitch asked for the permission of going outside the base, along with the reason.

Hazama: So you were going out with Rory the Demigoddess?

Mitch: Yes sir.

Hazama: *writing a permit* Alright, I will approve of this under one condition, do not cross beyond the Empire's borders. And the other thing, where is your partner?

Mitch: I let him stay in Italica, but I can contact him right now.

Hazama: Hm, I see. Then, you may leave the office now.

Mitch: Thank you sir. *salutes*

Hazama salutes back, then Mitch left the administration building.

(AWDZ: Borders. Source is from FANDOM.

 Source is from FANDOM

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