C. 15: The Past, The Present and The Future pt3

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< Author's POV > [ 9:39AM Approx. ]

As Itami's group are en route to the Metropolitan Government Building in Tokyo, Japan, the Arrowhead fleet is now preparing their ships for possible "deploy after briefing".

Meanwhile, at Alnus...

Lelei: How's Japan, Ms. Marea?

Shandy: I don't know what to say...

Lelei stayed silent for a while.

Lelei: Okay then.

Shandy: Waitwaitwait!

Lelei: What's wrong?

Shandy: There was a sign that floats, lights on the ground, other kinds of people, strange-looking iron carriage, and a huge building at the distance.

Lelei thinks.

Lelei: ("A floating sign without something that holds it? And the ground embedded streetlights. And... what she means, 'a huge building'?") Marea, what do you mean, "a huge building"? Can you clarify as possible?

Shandy: It was like this.

She hand gestured, referring to the shape of a cone (X-Seed 4000).

Shandy: On top of the building; has a flat surface, and its body has holes in it.

Lelei: "The structure has holes" you say?

Shandy: Yes but, I need to return for Italica.

Lelei: You can ask someone. But where is the two?

Shandy: The two? They are on duty.

Lelei: ("They are on duty...") Alright, you can go now.

Shandy then walks off, and asked some of the personnel for transport to Italica.

Meanwhile... [ 9:43 AM ]

Itami's group are now approaching the Metropolitan Building.

Itami: This is Japan... And what manga series are those?

And later, they disembarked from their vehicle and enter the Tokyo Metropolitan Building in the year 2520. Still ancient, but it works.

[ 10:00 AM GMT +8 ][ Earth Geostationary Military Starbase ]

Arrowhead started their briefing about the medium Namindi offense to those 5 star systems, and have intel of what type of ship/s are they going to deal with.

Mitch is open to suggestions about the rules of engagement.

Leblanc suggests that baiting the smaller ships and destroy it.

(L/N) suggests to EMP/stun and destroy the larger vessels.

Lavrinenko suggests, jamming both shielding and communications before destroying or subdue the enemy vessel.

Mitch then compile their suggestions into battle tactics.

Mitch: Alright, all ships, standby.

Now, they are on a standby while Mitch notify his superior that the fleet was ready.

But this time, his superior had said this for the first time in Mitch's carrier, "Assist the defense forces on those 5 systems. Do what you think best for your fleet. Treat it like a family. And don't forget this quote, 'Only a fool who does only speak and act impulsively. Also an insane person who thinks nothing but glory, money, fame, lust, and terror.' Also remember this as a military officer, you are conducting a military campaign, not terror campaign. Are we clear?"

Mitch: Yes, sir.

Mitch then ended the call, and calls his fleet to mobilize on those 5 systems.

All he need to do is to pick a capable ship in his fleet to one of the 5 star systems, and give assistance to other defense fleets.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 26 ⏰

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