C. 14: The Past, The Present, and The Future pt2

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(Again, for portrait users: "C. 14: The Past, The Present, and The Future pt2" and the 2 pictures above is not mine)

< Author's POV > [ Alnus ] [ Office ] [ Timeskip ]

Kuribayashi: Captain? Captain?

Kuribayashi walks around, and found Itami taking a nap.

Kuribayashi: *tap* Captain.

Itami: geez... what is it?

Kuribayashi: The gate has reopened.

Itami streched.

Itami: that's good... wait.

Itami pull his phone out and checked the game.

Itami: Alright, let me see here.

Once it starts, it just sends him back to the home screen.

Itami: Huh? Its not working?

He tried again but to no avail.

He sighed and put his phone on the table.

Itami: Where's Kuwahara?

Kuribayashi: He is-

Kuwahara: Sir?

Itami: Any updates on the gate?

Kuwahara: Checking on the other side was accomplished. And it said that the other side of the gate was the future Ginza.

Itami: Thanks for the information.

Kuwahara: Very well, and may you excuse me to do other duties.

Itami: Yeah, you are excused.

Kuwahara leaves.

Itami: ("Future Ginza... Is there tall buildings on the other side? Is there... Laser-")

Itami's flashback: Onsen talk

Xavier: Yes we do have energy weapons, that's common sense.

Flashback end.

Itami: ("Nevermind.")

Outside of the Alnus administration building, the soldiers were doing their normal routine.

At Alnus town, Rory checks on Diabo.

Rory: ("Not bad, Empire's Second Prince.")

Rory left the scene.

Back to Alnus base, in Hazama's office.

Hazama is checking the digital photos taken on the other side.

Hazama: Are you sure about this?

Yanagida: As the picture shows, sir.

Hazama: Hm.

[ 26th Century ][ Earth Orbital Military Installation ]

Mitch is at his supervisor's office, telling the tale.

"Is that all, son?"

Mitch: Yes sir.

"Hm. Not ignoring the fact those seconds you and your vice disappeared from the radar, a roman-themed gateway suddenly appeared on Earth. Now, you can return to your duties while I will attend an official meeting with other senior admirals at 15:00 GMT +8 (3:00PM GMT +8). Are we clear?"

Mitch: Yes sir.


Mitch: Sir?

"There was a group of pirates attacking cargo vessels and need for assistance, order your ships to respond to that situation. *to his assistant* Send them the information please."

26th Century meets the JSDF! (OCs x Gate: Thus, the JSDF fought there!)Where stories live. Discover now