C. 12: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs

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( Picture source is from FANDOM, and the original novel, chapter 10? )

< Author's POV >

The JSDF start shooting, but their round couldn't kill them easily and needed more guns to kill them.

The bugs from their world has a strong exoskeletons, thus making them almost invulnerable to small arms.

Some of the bugs fly, and some of them don't, as they sliced JSDF soldiers in half.

Mitch: General!

Mitch runs to General Hazama and land a nanotech suit on him, then it suit up automatically.

Mitch returns fire only to get hit by a bug's legs on his face. Thankfully, his armor and shield saved him. And did the kip-up to stand back up on his feet.

The HSM Faith on the other hand, is busy shooting arachnids.

Mitch: *on radio* Spectrum? Spectrum?

Xavier: Faith, this is Spectrum. What's going on there?

Mitch: Big-ass arachnids are everywhere on Alnus! Stay and watch over Italica!

Xavier: Commander?

Mitch: Just do it!

Xavier: Roger, Spectrum out.

Shandy: What is it?

Xavier: Big, and tough bugs at Alnus, killing everyone as we speak.

Shandy stood quiet.

Mitch was busy fighting bugs with ease due to technological advantage.

Rory: What are these creatures? They are strong!

Lelei: I don't know, evolution perhaps?

Itami on the other hand shot a bug with his borrowed sawn off twin barrel shotgun.

Giselle: What is this unesessary party?

Golden figures appeared and fight alongside the JSDF.

Mitch: ("I will not let that disaster happen again!")

[ Italica ]

And then, they appeared on the distance at Italica.

RD: Mass enemy approaching. Order input.

Xavier: Pop turrets. Hold the airspace and ground. Don't let them get close and fire!

HSM Spectrum decloaked, and start firing at the approaching Arachnids.

"Pardon me, Your Highness! But we are under siege!"

Pina: By whom?

"Its a wave of big bugs!"

Pina: Bugs?

"Yes, Your Highness."

She then stood up from the throne and start walking.

"Your Highness?"

As they walked to the terrace, she saw an enormous wave of Arachnids. And the big HSM Spectrum hovering in the air, shooting them.

Pina: What is this...

At the ground, both soldiers and civilians are now defending Italica. That includes the people using magic.

[ Alnus ]

Mitch were slicing them with his scythe, but feels like hitting a hard rock.

Mitch: ("It needs to sharpen more.")

Mitch used his magic to sharpen the scythe by putting ultrasonic vibration on the blade. The next thing he do is to lock on more 500 Arachnids and sliced them all in a blink of an eye.

26th Century meets the JSDF! (OCs x Gate: Thus, the JSDF fought there!)Where stories live. Discover now