"You're the age your father and I were when we got pregnant with you.  Even though were the biggest blessing to us, it was hard!  We were so young!  So keep your legs closed, little girl!" Jessica points her at her.

"Oh my gosh.  Okay, mom!"

"Well.. Let's dig in!" Sam says awkwardly.

"No more sex talk!" Julia shouts.

"I don't even know that word!" Samuel says.

"Aw of course not, my baby boy!  You're momma's baby, huh?" Jessica sits down and pats her thighs.  Samuel smiles and walks over to sit on her.

"I am, mommy!  I'm the most perfect little boy!"

Jessica laughs and kisses his cheek.

"So perfect, you didn't want to have anymore babies cause I'm SO perfect!"

Jessica laughs.

"Or so bad they decided to stop!" Autumn jokes.

"Stop!" Jessica laughs. "Leave the baby alone!" Jessica rocks him.

"Yeah, don't pick on the little guy!" He says cutely, making his family laugh.



All of their family came over to the Shepard's house for Thanksgiving dinner.
Sam and Jessica wanted to cook everything themselves, and surprisingly to them, everything came out perfect!

"Look at Sam and Jessie.  Practically attached at the hip!" Ann says to her mother as she stared at Sam and Jessica from across the room.

"I know.  They're so sweet.  I think their time apart, and Sam's accident really made them realize that each and every moment is special.  I don't think I've ever even seen them fight!"

"Right?  They're so happy it's sickening!" Ann laughs.

Meanwhile in the corner, Sam is lightly scratching Jessica's back, and whispering in her ear.

"Pull my finger, babe."

"Will you shut up?" Jessica laughs and playfully pushes him.

Sam chuckles and kisses her cheek.
"You're beautiful."

"Thank you."

"And you smell like turkey."

"Oh thanks!"

"It's okay, I kinda like it." Sam smirks.

Jessica laughs and kisses his lips.

"Mom and dad, stop making out!" Julia shouts.

"Juju!" Jessica laughs.

"Oh my Jewels." Sam smiles and shakes his head.

Julia giggles and squeezes between her parents.
"There.  This is better."

Jessica chuckles and kisses her forehead as Sam pats Julia's leg.

Julia kisses Jessica's cheek, then cuddles into Sam.

Jessica pats her back and smiles at them.
"Daddy's girl."


"I'M Daddy's girl!" Evangeline runs and climbs on Sam.

"Always fighting over me!" Sam chuckles.

Just then Autumn walks over with the phone.

"Yes?  What's wrong?  Who is it?"

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