Chapter 15 - Kiss and make up

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"Call her."

"I have."

"Then call her again."

Dean rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Dean, don't be an ass," insisted Sam. "Just do whatever it is you do to get Allegra here."

"Dude, you want her here so badly, you call her then, she's got a phone now!" snarled Dean. "I've been trying to get Allegra to talk to me, but she's the most stubborn chick I've ever met!"

"We need to know if she's got anything to do with those killings."

"For the last time, Allegra didn't do this. I've seen the blood plague, and I've seen the boil plague, and that is not how she does it."

Dean knew Allegra wasn't involved with the killing, but Sam was right; they did need her here asap.

"Allegra, I know you can hear my thoughts. We have a case we could really use your help with. Stop ignoring me, dammit!"

He looked anxiously around the motel room. When it was clear the redhead wouldn't appear, Dean sighed in frustration and sat down on the bed.

"We should call Cas," he said.

Sam scoffed in reply.

"You're kidding, right? Dean, I tried. It was the first and second, and third thing I did soon as I got topside. Son of a bitch won't answer. He's worse than Allegra."

"Well, let's give it a shot. Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here."

They waited for a moment. Then Dean tried again, making his prayer to the Angel of the Lord a little more urgent.

"Come on, Cas. Don't be a dick. We got ourselves a... plague-like situation down here, and... Do you...Do you copy?"

Sam cleared his throat in his usual smug bitchy way. Dean almost rolled his eyes at his brother. He sure hadn't missed that.

"Like I said, son of a bitch doesn't answer."

But the sudden flutter of wings and Dean looking at something behind him made Sam realize he was dead wrong.

"He's right behind me, isn't he?"

"Hello," greeted Castiel. 


After establishing some ground rules with the angel on him getting his ass down to Earth when Sam or Dean went all 'who you gonna call,' Castiel jumped to the matter at hand.

"These killings were committed with one of our weapons. There's only one thing that could have brought this into existence. You call it the Staff of Moses."

"Wait, the Staff?" interrupted Sam.

"It was used in a dominance display against the Egyptians, as I recall," said Castiel.

"But I thought the Staff turned, like, a river into blood, not one dude."

Dean wisely kept his mouth shut on this. He never told Sam how Allegra had tortured Alastair all those years ago, and his brother had never witnessed her using the plagues. But a dude could most definitely turn into blood. Or at least have it come out of him from... well, everywhere.

"The weapon isn't being used at full capacity," replied Castiel.

"Okay, but... what is Chuck Heston's disco stick doing down here, anyway? I mean, don't you guys put away your toys?" asked Dean.

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