46| Girl's Night

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Once Danielle parked her car, we were seated and quickly had our orders brought to us. It was actually nice to be hanging out with Danielle today. Ever since she's married Ryan, she's been living in honeymoon world. Jamie also has been in the wind over the past few months. Lately, it's just been Harper and I. I didn't mind it, but I missed my other friends, too.

"How's married life treating you?" I asked her as I took a delicious bite of my French toast. I closed my eyes as I savored the syrupy food.

When I looked up at her, she answered me with a blissful smile. "Its...amazing. You know, before Ryan and I got together, I never pictured myself as the marrying kind. I was always more of a-"

I looked up at her knowingly before she laughed and said, "free spirit. But now, I couldn't see myself sleeping with anyone else."

"That's good, Danielle. I'm so happy for you that you found a good guy."

"You found a good guy, too," she added in a quiet voice.

My chest tightened at the mention of Ayden, but I knew she didn't mean it in a way to upset me. Thinking of him always brought a smile to my face.

"Yes, I'm lucky," I said to her before taking a sip of my orange juice. "I know that I haven't known him that long, but I know that he would never hurt me the way Adam did."

Danielle sighed with disgust and she threw down her napkin. "I hate Adam! I swear," she said with narrowed eyes and pointed a finger at me, "if I see him again, he's going to question his manhood." She moved her fingers like scissors and I got what she was implying.

I giggled before I leaned back and crossed my legs. "Yeah, well, when I saw him, I couldn't believe-"

She put her hand up and cut me off. "Wait, wait. You saw him? Where? When?"

I frowned at her with confusion. I told her that I saw Adam...didn't I? "I saw him at the grocery store a few weeks ago. But--"

Her mouth dropped. "What did you say to him? Please tell me you kicked him in the nuts."

"Believe me, it was tempting. Thankfully, I didn't. I don't think giving birth to this baby in a prison cell was going to be worth it."

"That's true," Danielle sighed. "Doesn't mean karma wont find him one day."

"He's dating Alice."

If Danielle's mouth dropped open any further, it would probably hit the floor. "WHAT!" She out her hands to her head. "How did I not hear about this?"

"Sorry, D. I thought I told you. It must have been Harper."

Danielle grabbed her phone and started texting.

"What are you doing?"

"We are having a girls night." She continued typing away on her phone. "Me, you, Jaime, and Harper."

Oh...no. "Danielle, I don't think that's such a good idea. Besides, I'm staying at Harpers apartment right now."

The chimes from her cell phone followed by the incessant typing from Danielle, clued me in on the fact that she's probably talking in a group message right now to my two other best friends. And by the smile on her face, I am pretty sure this girls night was going to happen.

"Too late," she said cheerfully before she smiled at me. "Jaime is back in town and Harper agreed to it. Harper also said that she'll send Jackson to stay with Ryan. They'll get to have their own boys night."

I'm not quite sure how I felt about this. Whenever we had a girl's night, that usually ended up with us drunk, flirting with guys, or binging pastries. Most of that was not appropriate for a soon-to-be mom. Well, maybe everything except the pastries. I could probably definitely get on board with the pastries.


"Lanie," she interrupted, "it's not going to be like our old girls nights. It's going to be the four of us just hanging out, watching movies, catching up, and listening to music."

When she saw my doubtful expression, she added, "I I think something is going on with Jamie. And with everything you are going through, the four of us really should get together. I promise it won't be crazy. We'll come over to Harper's and just have a good time and talk."

Well, I couldn't really say no to that. I also had a feeling that something was wrong with Jamie. She's been out of the loop for a while now and has kind of been keeping to herself. I've tried to reach out to her a few times, but she's always sent me a text back saying that she was fine and she would tell me about it later.

Danielle was right. We needed this. I leaned forward and took a bite of my omelette. Mmmm. I loved breakfast. I was never really a huge breakfast person surprisingly. Ever since I met Ayden, it's definitely become my favorite meal.

A lot of things about me seemed a lot more different now than they were before he and I met. Realistically, all of us have changed.

"Okay," I smiled to Danielle. "Let's have a girls night. But on one condition."

"Name it," she said with a laugh. Her satisfied smile told me she knew I would end up caving and she would get her way. One thing about Danielle...was that she always got her way.

The corners of my mouth lifted in a smile. Oh, this was going to be fun.

 Oh, this was going to be fun

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