26| The Knitting Process

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"You're up late again," I said to Ayden through the phone. Even though my tone was light and teasing, there was no mistaking the concern just underneath the surface.

Even his short laugh was different than usual. Something was wrong. "I'm fine, Goddess. How are you?"

The intuitive psychic in me wasn't giving up that easily. "I don't believe you, Sergeant."

Another deep chuckle that shot shivers down my spine. "Nate was right about you," he quipped. His voice lowered when he added, "Really, Lanie. I'm okay. Most of it-- I can't talk about it. What I can talk about is my sleeping issues, or the beautiful woman I seem to be pining for on the other end of this line."

I brought my knees up to my chest. I was sitting on the couch and finished my dinner a little bit ago. We've only been talking for a few minutes, but everything else in the words seemed to fall away. "In that case," I laughed, "I prefer the latter."

"Are you glad its the weekend?" he asked me.

I let out a long moan of satisfaction. "Yes. You have no idea."

It was quiet on the other end of the line tonight. Usually I heard others talking or loud banging noises. I never asked what that was, and he never told me. One night I had a terrible nightmare about both of them getting hurt over there. I woke up in a cold sweat and screaming. I tried to google if there were any reported deaths over there, but it was nearly impossible to find out anything online. I never told Ayden or Nate about it. I knew how Nate would handle it and I didn't want him to be more worried than he already was. I had my suspicions about how Ayden would handle it, and I didn't want to prove myself right.

"Any exciting plans for your two days off?"

I sucked my teeth. "Uh, make that three days. Monday is Teacher's Day, so no school. And, to answer your question, no I don't really have any plans. Just the normal stuff. Laundry, cleaning, going over school stuff. Maybe watch a movie or two." I frowned when he remained silent. "Ayden? Did I lose you?"

"No, no. I'm here." He laughed a little. "It's just-- the stuff you mentioned. I totally rather be doing that right now."

I toyed with the end of my throw blanket. "It's been four weeks. Only eight more to go."

"Believe me, I'm counting them down. When I get back, I can show you the really good movies, and real seafood."

My face twisted in disgust. "No to the seafood, but a definite yes to the movies. I used to be such a movie addict. I want to get back into it."

I heard the sound of his disapproving grunt on the other end of the line. "Why no to seafood? Come on, Goddess. You can sit at the table and watch me work my magic in the kitchen."

My heart did that stupid flutter thing again. "Will you wear that pink apron you got me?" I teased.

"For you, yes. But you need to 'Kiss the Cook' while I'm wearing it," he shot back.

The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them. "Please, I'm going to do more than kiss the cook when I see you."

Like jump his bones, for instance. Having amazing sex with Ayden after being celibate for two years definitely got the hormones going. And mine were definitely going. I couldn't keep count of how many dreams I had about the two of us. In bed. In the shower. On the couch. Pretty much ANYWHERE.

"Miss me that much, do you?" His tone was amusing, but I didn't miss the hint of surprise.

"Of course I do," I answered. "Don't you miss me that much?"

Writing Lanie - Forbidden Heart Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now