29~ Out Of The Window

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Sorry about the short chapter, major writers block!

Draco's pov:

"No" I mutter, stepping back while trying to comprehend what is in front of me.
"Draco, it's not as bad as it looks. It means something good" Harry says as he turns around to meet my gaze. I stand there with my mouth open in disbelief.
"What we found out, what we researched, it was all from the wrong point of view. This is a good thing Draco. You should join us. We want you to join us." He tells me.

"Are you actually trying to convince me to join a suicide cult run by my father, the man who shaped my life to be the hell it is, just because you want me to? Why in the world did you join? What has gotten into you?" I question, trying to get something out of the boy.
"The opportunity was bestowed upon me, and now I am giving it to you" He says while taking my hand.
"Are you really that insensitive? I'm obviously going to say no. I've worked so hard to improve myself and move on and this is what you do?" I ask.
"Draco, you can't say no. You know too much. And even if you do, I can't continue a relationship with someone who is not affiliated with the higher power" He tells me while looking into my eyes. something is different about him. This isn't the Harry I fell for.
"I don't want to be affiliated with someone who sees my father as a positive role model" I tell him before standing up and grabbing my bag and my mothers wand.
"Where are you going?" Harry asks from the bed.
"I... I need to collect my thoughts" I respond before rushing out of the room. I cluelessly stand in the common room for a moment before pounding on the Ravenclaw room.

Pansy opens the door, rubbing her eyes
"Draco what are you doing here, its late" She mumbles while trying to close the door.
"No, you need to grab Hermione, grab your stuff, and we need to leave. Now." I tell her while checking behind me. I see the doorknob of slytherin start to move, so I push her out of the way and slamming the Ravenclaw door "Whats going on?" She asks, slightly more alert now.                                                                        
"I can't explain now, I just need you to get your stuff and we need to get out of here." I tell her before going to Hermione's bed and shaking her awake. "Mione. Mione wake up" she just grumbles and turns over.

"I'll get her, you just worry about getting stuff." Pansy says while handing me Hermione's bottomless bag. I grab some clothing and some hygiene essentials before I hear the pounding of fists at the door. By now most of Ravenclaw is up.                                                                            "Don't answer it." I state firmly as I look over at Pansy and a very concerned Hermione.                 "Do you guys have your wands?" I ask before grabbing three brooms from off the wall.          "Yes, but I can't exactly fly at the moment." Hermione says. I throw one of the brooms on the floor and toss the other one to Pansy.           
"Mione you fly with Pansy. I'll take the bags" I tell her
"H-hey that's mine!" a groggy Ravenclaw protests as the three of us go up to the window.
"Draco we know you're in there. We just want to talk for a second" I hear Rons voice say from the other side of the door.

"Go!" I yell after opening the window and getting on the broom. I take off from the windowsill and hear Pansy's broom close behind me.
"Draco where are we going?" She yells over the wind
"I have no idea" I yell back, trying to process everything that just happened.
"I have absolutely no idea"

A few hours later, I find Hermione, Pansy, and myself at the front of Mione's muggle parents house.
"They moved to Australia during the war. I knew they never sold the house so... I guess it's a safe place to crash?" She hesitates, still not knowing exactly what is going on.
"Yes, at least for now. Thank you Mione" I tell her ready to go in.
"Woah woah hold on Draco" Pansy says from behind me. "Tell us what's going on first. I feel like every time we leave you alone something monumental happens"
"I- ok" I stutter, honestly not knowing where to begin. They both already know the background of everything, so I just told them how I discovered that Harry was apart of this cult. To say they where shocked would have been an understatement.

"Jeez Draco, your life is literally a melodrama" Pansy mutters while crossing her arms.
"Yeah, honestly" shivers Hermione. "But we should head in, I'm freezing"

Hi everyone! Thank you for being so patient with me lol. I have everything (and have had everything) written out for the rest of the book but it's a matter of actually writing it that's taking a while. I will in fact be posting all of those drafts following the competition of the book. Also, please make an effort to sign as many petitions as possible in favor of the BLM movement and donate if you can! We need to stand with our POC brothers and sisters ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻

Reggy out!

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