7~ The Article

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Harry's POV:
Draco stomps into the bathroom and slams the door behind himself. I stand there in disbelief for a few seconds before I walk out of the room to tell Hermione that I would rather stay in my room. Like I said before, I'm not about to leave him alone. Even if that means waiting for him outside of the bathroom for 3 hours. It's not my 'hero complex' that makes me want to help him. It's more then that. It's like all of a sudden, if anything ever happens to Draco, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

I walk up my bushy haired peer and tap her on the shoulder.

"Mione, I think I'm gonna stay in my dorm tonight if that's alright" I tell her.
"Why would you want to do that? I mean unless you WANT to be stuck in there with Malfoy all night" she retaliates as he places her hand on her hip. To change the subject, I decide to point out Ron's absence.

"Where's Ron?"
"In his dorm"
"Isn't he coming out?"
"If he doesn't, I'll make him"
"Don't force him to. Trust me, I know what's it's like to lose someone close to you."

Suddenly a blank expression spread across her face, and was soon replaced with a livid one.
"Do you really think that your the only one who has lost someone before? You are so fucking naïve you know that? It amazes me that even after the war, you separate yourself from everyone else. That you-"
"Mione calm do-"
"No! That you have the audacity to think and sympathize for no one else but yourself! You do realize that my parents won't EVER be the same again because of this stupid conflict. Because of Voldemort! Because if YOU. I'm not even surprised you where re-sorted into Slytherin, you act just like the rest of them." She screams at me, causing everyone to stop what they where doing and look at us.

I just stood there, my jaw hanging open as a reaction to the previous remark.
"Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if the war never happened." She whispers to herself before looking me in the eye again.
"If he had just killed you that Halloween eighteen years ago." She spat as me before walking over to a dazed looking Ron.

That's it.

I turn around and walk to my room, determined to not look back at my former best friends as I near the door.

"Harry, wait-" I hear a certain red head call from behind me.
"I don't want to hear it, Ron" I snap back before slamming the door to my room. I take a few seconds to cool myself before remembering a more important person I should be worrying about. I walk over to our bathroom door and knock quietly, waiting for the blonds response. All that came in return was a muffled cry, causing me to become more worried. After knocking again without a response I cast the alohamora charm on the door lucky it swings open.

I walk into the light green bathroom and look around for my roommate. Looking down, I see him with his knees to his chest and rocking back and forth, whispering something to himself. He looks up at me and abruptly stands up to start pacing. After a few laps he starts to mutter something to himself as his hands shake by his side. Without thinking I grab them. It feels like the most natural thing to do.

"What was that?" I ask him, keeping my voice as sweet as possible.
"Can-can you leave? I just need to be alone right now. I-I'm sorry-"
"Draco. It's ok. I understand." I tell him before turning around and going to the door. As soon as I close the door behind me I walk over to my bed and sit there for a few seconds, thinking of something to do. I pick up a copy of "The Daily Prophet" expecting to see something about the ministry capturing more death eaters, but what I saw was the complete opposite. On the front cover was the minister of magic with a lot of angry reporters yelling at him. Above the picture was something that I have feared and dreaded sense the war ended.

"Death Eaters Make A Mass Escape From Azkaban"

Quickly I skim over the article to see who was on the list of escapees, to see both Malfoys on the list. Terrified, I run out of the Slytherin room and make a bee line to the Ravenclaw dorm to show Hermione. I may be deeply offended by what was said earlier, but this is way more important then some petty argument. I knock on the door until someone, Hermione, opens it. I burst into the room and turn to face the newly appointed Ravenclaw.

Misunderstood love {a Drarry story}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora