32~ Reset

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Harry's pov:
Draco and I's journey to Hermione's home was thankfully uneventful. We snuck back out of the window and onto Draco's broom. On the way he walked me through Neville's genius potion brewing research and I explained everything I could remember about the past few weeks. He perked up when I mentioned the upcoming ritual and I practically saw his mind trying to turn an idea into a plan.

"So they already have this ritual planned?"
"Yes, everything is ready to take place during the coming full moon." I confirm, tightening my grip around Draco's waist as I gaze up at the quarter moon above us.
"Gives us a week." I hear him mumble. We sit for a moment and let the breeze fill the silence.

"Harry, what will happen?"
"When the full moon comes and everyone gathers for that ritual, what will happen? Is it just some sick suicide pact my father is leading or is this something more?" Draco's voice quivers. He keeps his eyes facing forward but that doesn't stop the wave of anxiety from falling off his shoulders and onto the broom. I lay my head against his back, allowing myself a breath before answering.

"Your father is once again just a pawn in a plan that goes far deeper than he'll ever know." I pause as Draco's posture falters. "They're planning on sacrificing themselves in exchange for the dark lord's mercy. Apparently if the ritual is performed with enough sacrifices, it will give him enough power to influence both the living and the dead. It will only work with a mass of willing participants, hence the need to convert victims rather than mindless killing. The Hogwarts students are only a small percentage of everyone they've got lined up for this." I explain as Draco lands the broom on the patch of grass that separates a suburban neighborhood from the surrounding wooded area. He steps off and takes a deep breath before turning around to look at me. There are so many concerns swimming through his head he looks like he might burst.

"Let's get to Mione and everyone before forming a plan. Then we can talk, eat, and get a good nights rest before doing anything rash." I tell him, taking his hand into my own.
"Wait." He squeezes my hand as if I was about to let go. "I, we need to talk. This has been... a lot. We don't have to now- we actually can't now. They're probably worrying their arses with how long we've taken already. But, later? Please?" He already knows the answer, this isn't the type of question one can say no to. His eyes show he's looking for reassurance rather than approval, which I immediately provide.

"Of course, you don't have to ask permission for a conversation." I say, unable to stop the spike of anxiety that shoots through my core. 'Can we talk?' is never a reassuring question to hear from your boyfriend. Especially if you spent the week or two plotting world domination with his evil father.
"Okay." Is all he responds with before dragging me down a nearby sidewalk and onto the porch of a house I vaguely recognize from photographs of Mione and her family. He begins to knock a rhythmic pattern onto the door before it flys open, revealing a very anxious Pansy in its place.

"You two took forever, had us thinking you'd gotten yourselves killed!" She fusses, pulled both Draco and I inside. "You both are lucky I'm so forgiving, or I'd curse you for how much you made us worry!"

"Yes, I'm sure forgiving is the correct word to use here" Hermione calles from behind, using the arm of a chair she was sitting on as leverage while standing. Once upright she flashes a warm smile in our direction. "Harry how are you feeling, are you hurt?" She asks.

"Not anymore than usual!" I joke, drawing a chuckle out of Draco and a scoff out of Pansy. "On our flight back I was telling Draco that we're pretty spot on with our theories. Though 'suicide cult' is a bit underwhelming as a name given their intentions."

"Their chances of success all rely on member loyalty and if their current numbers are any indication," Draco talks a breath to look as me before continuing. "It's not looking too good for us." He finishes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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