15~ Trust

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Draco's POV:

Step 6

After it became light enough for us to see without lumos, Harry and I woke Pansy up and continued on our way. After a brief discussion, we decided it would be best if we split up. Pansy would go back to Hogwarts and tell McGonagall everything that had happened, while Harry and I make our way over to Muggle London.

We grabbed out pre-shrunk brooms and set off.  The early morning air is crisp and dewy, making the flight more enjoyable then it already was. I look over to see Harry with his head tilted up and his eyes closed. He's smiling wider then I've ever seen, making the dimples in his cheeks more prominent then usual. I sit on my broom and watch him for a few seconds. When he notices me staring at him, he sheepishly looks down and regrips his broom, focusing on the sky ahead.

"Sorry. It's been forever sense I've flown" he tells me as he refocuses his gaze on the horizon in front of us. I chuckle and face back towards the front of my broom.
"Ya know, you looks so cute when you do that" I say, a smirk forming on my face.
"D-Do what?" He stutters as his cheeks take on a light pink hue.
"Let yourself live in the moment" I respond while he turns away from me again. For the rest of the flight, there isn't much talking. Only awkward glances and small giggles you can barley hear over the sound of wind blowing past us.

We finally land in an alleyway in the middle of muggle London. Lucky it is early, so it's easy to find a spot to land unnoticed. I take our brooms and attempt a shrinking charm, but my mothers wand tends to become temperamental if not 'treated with respect' or some shit like that. Harry gives me a sympathetic look and performs the spell with his own. We walk out of the alleyway together and start to head down the street.

"You know this place better then I do. Can you get us to 7941 Manchester Road?" I ask Harry as we stroll down the road.
"Yeah. That should only be a few blocks up" he responds as he looks at a few street signs with funny names on them. We fall into an awkward silence after a few steps, and something crosses my mind.

I haven't even told Harry how I feel about him. And we could die.

Now normally the lack of expression would not be a concern of mine, but for Harry, it's different. It always has been. I always used to go over the top to get his attention, and I never really did that for anyone else. Over the past few months I've seen sides of him he wouldn't dare show the rest of the world. You can't build that kind of trust with just anybody. It has to be with someone you connect with emotionally and physically.

Plus he's fucking hot.

"Harry wait" I say as I step in front of the raven haired man.
"Is everything ok?" He asks, a concerned look forming on his face.
"What we are about to do here, its stepping into a big part of my life that I would normally keep hidden. And I think you should know something before we continue" I tell him, heat rising in my cheeks as butterflies invade my stomach.
"It's ok Draco, you can trust me" He reminds me as he picks up my hand and looks up at me. I will forever be grateful for the few extra inches I have on the former Gryffindor.
"I know" I say as a soft smile forms on my face. After a moment it vanishes, replaced with a stern look as I try to concentrate.

"Harry, I-I really like you. I know it was pretty obvious and I know I've said it before. I totally understand if you don't feel the same way, or you where just being nice before. I mean it's not like I deserve such a wonderful person to ever consider being in a relationship with me. You are just an incredible person, and not only because of your hero complex or whatever. It's because of the way your eyes light up when you talk about quidditch, and the way your nose scrunches up when there is a awful smell, and how you manage to pull of a bed head look on a daily basis. Look I can either keep rambling about how beautiful you are or you can talk" I finish while looking at him and trying to read his face. All I get is a surprised look from Harry as he just stands there in front of me, not saying anything. After a few seconds I understand, he doesn't reciprocate my feelings and I start to move away.
"Or never mind. This wasn't the best ti-"

I am cut off by the feeling of Harry's lips crashing onto my own. Quickly, my hands shoot down to his waist and his wrap around my neck. The kiss deepens as we nip at each other's lips and I caress his hips as he slightly pulls on my hair. Gentle but starved at the same time. A few seconds later we break, mostly for air, and our four heads stay together as we pant in attempt to gain back some lost oxygen. Harry moves his head so it is laying on my shoulder, and I pull him into a tight hug.

"Thank you" he mumbles into my dirty school robes. I smile and peck the top of his head. A few moments later he pulls away with tears in his eyes.
"So it's official?" I almost whisper to him, unable to hide the smirk that has formed on his face. After nodding and a returned smile, He sniffs then says,
"Now let's hope it's not to late to save Theo"

❤️ Hey... ok please don't kill me I know is been an ungodly amount of time sense my last update. If you live on the eastern seaboard in North America then you should know I am publishing this at 2:09 am. I expect none of you to even think about clicking on this story. And if you are reading this and it is late, this is your sign to go to bed. I love you all for reading my fanfic but your health is way more important!! Get some sleep, eat something tomorrow morning, brush your teeth? I know is can seem so hard sometimes but it will help you feel that much better. I'm so proud of you! I am here for every single one of you, and I love you all with all of my heart. ❤️
Reggy out!

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