12~ Operation Save Pansy

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Draco's POV:
I did it. In the bathroom while Harry was talking to Granger and Weasley, I did it. I was doing so well, I almost went a whole month without doing it. Harry made me feel enough hope to help fight through it, but my dad pushed me over the edge again.

I can't let Harry see. He would be so disappointed in me that he would leave. Never speak to me again. I was always told that I should never disappoint. I disappoint everyone that I come in contact with. My father was always there to remind me of how useless and replicable I really am. Him being gone somehow made it worse until Harry came. Harry fixes things while I go back to destroy them all over again.

We're currently walking through the corridors under the ravens cloak. Mrs. Norris and Mr. Filch are nowhere to be seen, making our escape easier. As we walk through the field and towards the forest, Harry pulls the cloak off of us. He puts a hand on my shoulder to stop me from walking further.
"Hey, whatever happens tonight, just know that I care about you. I'm always here for you and I would be devastated if anything ever happened to you" he tells me in a deep voice.
"Thanks you, that really means a lot" I whisper back as I give him a small smile.
"Good. Now let's go save Pansy"

Step 1: Use Me as Death Eater bait.
Step 2: Harry follows me + escorts to secret hidden spot.
Step 3: locate Pansy at said spot.
Step 4: let Pansy know about the plan.
Step 5: Harry sneaks Pansy and I out of hidden spot.
Step 6: Tell McGonagall if we have time/feel like it.
Step 7: get info out of Pansy
Step 8: figure out how to defeat father.

It's a solid eight step plan, and we call it 'Operation Save Pansy' because Harry was in charge of the name and he isn't very creative.

Step 1

I walk down to the edge of the forest with my mothers old wand in hand. I force a smug look onto my face and create fake confidence out of thin air, just as I have done many times before. As the forest nears, I start to hear footsteps behind me. I just assume it's Harry.

Its not Harry.

"Mr. Malfoy, is that you?" I hear a certain charms professor call. Deciding not to respond, I start to walk faster.
"Mr. Malfoy, I would stop walking this instant if I where you. Especially with everything going on in the papers, someone might think your up to something" he says while crunching his way through fallen leaves.
That's when I start to run.

I practically sprint until I reach the end of the forest and look around to see if I can see anyone. I can faintly hear two voices behind me, but I ignore them and try to focus on the task at hand. As I wait, the urge to talk to Harry becomes harder by the second. He is hidden under his invisibility cloak, and I may risk losing the former Death Eaters trust if I talk to him.

Suddenly, I hear something in the woods. My head snaps over to where the sound was made. Slowly I start to make out the figure of a body, which happens to belong to Travers, one of the many Death Eaters to escape.

"Mr. Malfoy, you've made the correct decision" He croaks out as I hold back the urge to ask him to 'please don't call me Malfoy sir.'
"Yes sir" is all I reply with.
"Follow me. You obviously don't have your apperation license yet, so we will have to walk" he tells me before walking back into the forest. I quickly follow his lead, but before I do I feel something lightly brush against my hand. I use all of my strength to hold back a smile. I know it's Harry, doing his best to reassure me.

Step 2

The walk through the woods was long and quiet. Almost too quiet. Every once and a while Travers would look back to make sure I was following, but other then that he left me alone. Without the wind it was already pretty cold outside, but the wind chill made it beyond uncomfortable. I draw my hands up to my arms to try and calm my shivering down. It doesn't work. I continue to follow the Death Eater in pitch black for about an hour before we finally come to a stop. He points to a rabbit hole and says the words "Get in," and scared to do otherwise I obey.

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