28~ Odd

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⚠️possible trigger warning (i just don't want people to get mad for not saying anything)⚠️

Draco's pov:

"And that's basically what happened"
Both of the girls sat there looking at me with their jaws dropped.
"Harry let you follow through with this plan?" Hermione eventually squeaks out, still processing everything I told her.
"Yes, and it was a good idea, just poorly executed. Harry was supposed to be there if any complications arose, but he wasn't" I trail off. We sit in silence for a few minutes before we hear the common room door open. A very smiley Ron and Harry walk through the door. Both of the boys seem to have a confidence about them that I had not noticed before.

"Harry" i exclaim as i jump off of the couch and into his arms.
"Hi Draco, how are you?" he asks, oblivious to the fact that i'm a little mad at the situation.
"I was worried sick you git" I tell him as i pull away from the hug to get a better look at his face.
"I apologize, is there any way I can make it up to you?" he questions, tilting his head to the side a bit.
"Well for starters, tell me what happened. Why weren't you there?" I ask as a trace amount of hurt creeps into my voice.
"I just bumped into a pole, that's all" He tells me, while smiling at the rest of the group.
"So you're telling me you bumped into a pole and became so disoriented that you just now got back to Hogwarts?" I ask him, dumbfounded by his attitude.
"Yes that is exactly what happened" He responds, an odd smile planted on his face.

He walks over to the Gryffindor dorm with Ron and follows the red head into the room.
"I'm not the only one who thought that was odd, right?" I ask the two girls as i continue to stare at the door.
"Yeah that was weird" Pansy says, her face showing she was just as shocked as I was.
"He's acting a lot like Ron" Hermione mumbles.
"What do you mean?" I ask her.
"The past few months he has just been acting very odd. It's like he is a robot or something" She explains as she looks over at the Gryffindor dorm. "But I just assumed he was grieving in a different way, but whatever it is, i'm just glad to see him smiling"

Hermione is probably the most complex person I have ever met. She either hates you or loves you, she's cutthroat but soft, and she's the smartest damn witch this school has to offer. If she was more self preserving she would have been a fine Slytherin.

"Should we go talk to him?" Pansy pipes up.
"I honestly wouldn't know what to say" I respond. There is a moment of silence before Hermione chirps.
"We could wait for him in the Slytherin dorm"
"But Theo" I remind her.
"He's in Gryffindor with Harry, Ron, and Lavender" Pansy says with a scoff.
"Pans why are you mad about that?" Hermione asks, taking Pansy's hand into her own.
"Aren't you guys frustrated with them too? I mean those three are strutting around Hogwarts, acting like they know the place, and suddenly after a two day hiatus Harry comes back all gitty next to Ron. Something weird is going on." She finishes, sighing in frustration.

"Wait a second" I mutter. Everything is starting to come together.
"What?" Hermione says.
"I think I just figured out what's going on"

Harry's pov:

"Draco was acting suspicious, don't you think so?" I ask Ronald, hoping I haven't already ruined our chance at eternal salvation.
"No of course not, people act differently when in the presence of future members of the higher power" He explains, calming my worries.
"That's a relief" I say as we walk into the room.
"Harry!" Lavender exclaims as she rushes over to hug me. "I'm so happy you've joined"
"We all are" Theo says.
"I am honored. You know, Draco and I knew something was up, but if we had known how wonderful this all was, we wouldn't have even begun to stop you" I tell them.

"What do you mean stop us" Ron asks, fear washing over his face.
"I told you they where suspicious!" Theo exclaims
"Harry what does Draco know?" Lavender asks, taking my hand and making me sit down on a bed. The three surrounded me.
"I-I really don't know. As of right now he's just stringing theories together. Something about a prophecy, he met up with Blaise to figure out what it was" I tell them.
"Blaise, that traitor" mumbles Theo.
"He didn't know what was going on. He thought Draco was going on a date with him. Draco apparently used Legilimency on him" I say.
"What" Lavender asks, shocked.
"Draco knows Legilimency?" asks Ron.
"Yeah. I have no idea if he actually got the information though" I tell them.
"Harry, I think we have a knew plan. Listen up" Theo says.

Draco's pov:
I have been sitting in the Slytherin dorm for hours. I couldn't process everything that i've found out, so I decided it was time to get my thoughts straight. Something is going on, and it has something to do with that prophecy, my father, that marking I saw on that kids back, the Gryffindors, Theo, and now possibly my boyfriend.
I sat back and looked at everything I have put together. I thought I had everything, but the only thing I can't figure out is why people are joining this cult. I know they are powerful, but so many good people are switching sides all of a sudden. I can't seem to wrap my head around it.

"Draco" I hear a voice say from behind me, making me jump a little bit. I turn around to see Harry standing there.
"H-Harry" I say, trying to cover up all of the papers on my desk.
"Why are you still up? It's the middle of the night" he tells me.
"Why are you just getting back to our room? it's the middle of the night" I shoot back as I stand up to face him.
"I just needed to talk to Ron for a little bit" he responds

"Oh yes talk to Ron but not your obviously concerned boyfriend" I pause to collect my temper. "Harry what's going on. You've been acting really odd sense you've gotten back. What happened?"
"A lot has happened" he tells me, a smirk forming on his face.
"Why on earth are you smiling"
"Because good things happened Draco. Really good things. I want to tell you, but I can't. You won't understand." he tells me, disappointment rising in his voice.
"That doesn't mean that I won't care Harry. I'm hear you listen to everything, whether I understand it or not." I remind him, hoping I can get him to tell me something. Anything.

There was a long pause, Harry just stood in front of me, looking into his eyes. I notice that his eyes are a slightly brighter shade of green than they normally are, reminding me of Ron's eyes from a couple of months ago. Harry gets closer to me, brushing a strand of hair away from my eyes. Slowly, he places his lip on mine. I can tell that he's hungry, but patient. He kisses me, getting faster and hotter by the second, and before I know it I am throwing him on my bed. Hormones have completely taken over my body, making me forget everything but Harry. He rips his shirt off, and he pulls on the end of mine, but I hesitate. He sees this and stops tugging, and instead pulls me on the bed. He gets on top of me and starts to kiss me all over my face. I grab his back and notice something bumpy, which he winces at.

"Are you ok?" I ask out of breath, snapping back into reality.
"Y-yeah, let's keep going" he says, obviously in pain.
"No what is it? Are you hurt?"
"Draco i'm fine" He says as he starts to rub himself against my crotch
"Harry stop" I tell him, wanting to get to the bottom of whatever is going on.
"But doesn't this feel good?"
"Harry I said stop"
He does, but I push him off of me to make sure he doesn't do it again.

"Something is wrong. Turn around." I tell him.
"No. I.. I can't"
"HARRY TURN AROUND" I yell at him.
He starts crying and says "I can't. Please I really can't. You won't understand. You'll think it's bad, but it's good. Please"
I stand there in utter disbelief.
"So you abandon me, letting Blaise TAKE ME HOME AGAINST MY WILL, leaving me stranded in the middle of Merlin knows where, only to come back and barely explain yourself and what the hell happened and why you're act so weird."

"I didn't know-"
"Yes OBVIOUSLY you didn't know, you weren't there!!!" I yell, leaving him speechless.
"Show me your damn back or i swear it's not going to be pretty" I tell him, immediately regretting the words that came out of my mouth. He sits there, staring off into the distance, and I take the opportunity to go around to the other side of the bed.

I look at the bottom left hand side of Harry's back, only to find the words "θεός" and "Eλα".

"Oh Merlin"

❤️ Hi everyone, I know this chapter is kinda crazy buuuuuut ya know it iz what it iz. and by the way, 100k reads!? that is absolutely insane. thank you all so much for the support!❤️
Reggy out!

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