8~ One Last Peaceful Night

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Draco's POV:
"Wait WHAT?" I almost yell at the raven haired boy sitting opposite to me on my bed. It's after hours and Harry has been hesitant about telling me something ever sense dinner. I can now see why.
"Your parents escaped from-"
"Oh I heard you the first time Potter!" I snap at him, making him flinch and pull his legs into himself. I got up from the bed and started pacing around the room.

"Why is no one talking about this? This is awful! What have your Gryffindor friends said about it?" I ask him while looking at the floor and trying to wrap my head around the new found information.
My parents.
My friends parents.
Escaping from Azkaban.
And I thought the dark lord living in the manor was bad.

"I-I don't know. Hermione won't talk to me-"
"Wait why not?" I ask him, pausing my pacing for a second before continuing again.
"We had a fight. It's not important. What is important is what's going to happen next. Nobody knows what their motives are, for all we know they could be after you and your friends. New recruits maybe?" He proposes while standing up from the bed to face me.
"I would rather die then join my parents again." I bluntly state as I turn to face him, completely stoping my walking.
"You know that's not what I mean. They may just assume that your loyalty lies with them still." He says, trying to calm me down. Surprisingly it kind of works.
"Well it doesn't." I tell him in more of a whisper then anything.

"Hey I know this is a lot to grasp. If you need to talk to someone-"
"Oh I've done enough talking to make up for the last century" I interrupt him while crossing my arms.
"I don't want to fight with you, and I would appreciate it if you stopped interrupting me" he tells me while doing his best to keep his voice calm. It's a big stepping stone considering the boys infamous temper.

"Fine. I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have interrupted you." I stutter as I'm not exactly used to apologizing to the former Gryffindor.
"Your fine. And I'm sorry about your parents and... that whole situation" he responds as he plays with his fingers. God why is he so cute.
"Oh Merlin look at us. We're apologizing and everything" I joke with a fake laugh, trying to lighten the mood. He responds with a painfully fake laugh as a smirk spreads across his face.
"It is crazy, isn't it. Next thing you know we're going to be cuddled and calling each other pet names" he jokes back before sitting back down on his bed as I cross over to my own. I feel a deep blush paint over my face and when he see my reaction his cheeks become even darker then my own.

"I mean- well what I meant- uhh" he stutters before I shush him as I move over to his bed side.
"Hey. Stop that" I say as I boop his nose, wondering where my newfound confidence came from.
"Wh-what" he whispers as he stands up and looks at me. Though he may be more muscular then me, I still have a good three to four inches on the smaller male. And boy am I going to take advantage of that.
"Correcting yourself. You said it, so stand by it. Whether you meant it" I move closer to him to the point where our noses almost touch. "Or not" I say as I suddenly back away from him and move back over to my bed.

"Tease" I hear him mutter before I turn to face the male once again.
"What was that?" I ask, more so to see if he would repeat his previous remark.
"Oh, uh nothing" he says before getting into his bed. Before I could counter his response, he changes the subject.
"We should probably get some sleep. Classes start tomorrow and we're going to want to stay on top of this problem" he says before pulling his covers over his shoulder and turning away from me.

"Yeah. We will" I mumble before bringing my own covers up and finally allowing my thoughts to drift to my parents.

Your such a disgusting disappointment Malfoy. No matter what there is always going to be someone who hates you. Someone your betraying. Someone your letting down. It really would be better if you just left, or better yet, died. There would be one less person in the world that lets everyone around them down at the worst moments possible. You don't deserve Harry, hell you don't deserve anyone. Just go kill yourself. You'd be doing everyone a favor.

I keep waking up from a reoccurring  nightmare. Right before I am killed, or about to kill my self, I wake up. I shoot up into a sitting position per usual. My eyes dart around to regain my position before I let out a breath. Casually, I glance over to Harry's bed to see it empty. I look around the room and see the boys figure leaning up against a windowsill as he gazed through the glass. I am about to get his attention, but then I remember how he was telling me about his summer. How everyone was on top of him all the time. Then I remember how he found me in the bathroom while I was in the middle of one of my 'I can't breath and I can't stop crying' episodes. How he actually listened to me and left me alone. I decide to do the same for him and turn around in my bed. I'm going to need to get at least some sleep if I want to get through the week.


The next morning I wake up at six thirty, giving myself an hour and a half to get ready and go down to the great hall for breakfast before my first class. I look over to see Harry back in his bed, and the sight of the boy makes me chuckle. He is sprawled out across his bed, and his face is squished up against his pillow. It makes me want to lay down next to him and take him in my arms while placing soft pecks on the back of his neck.

I shake the... oddly specific thought and head to the bathroom to take a shower. After I get out I dry my hair with a towel and slip my clothes on before walking back out and seeing Harry Potter, still sleeping, with only forty five minutes till our first class. I roll my eye and go to shake the boy awake so he isn't late.

"Hmmm" he groans before turning away from me.
"Harry, you got to get up. You'll be late." I tell him in a quiet voice.
"I don't care" he mumbles while putting his pillow on top of his face.
"Well I do" is all I say before I cast the levitation charm on his blanket and pillow before tossing them aside and leaving Harry Potter with only boxers on and me with some dirty... dirty thoughts.

"Hey Draco, if you could stop undressing me with your eyes I would like to get changed" Harry says while waving his hand in front of my face.
"Oh I wasn't- don't think- I swear- o-ok" I stutter before turning around and face away from his bed, completely flustered. I hear him chuckle and some clothes move before he says I can turn back around. When I do my face feels beat red and he just laughs at me once more before grabbing his schedule off of his side table.

"What classes do you have?" He asks as he scans his parchment paper.
"Uhh NEWT potions, NEWT charms, OWLS Arithmetic, NEWT Herbology, NEWT Astronomy, NEWT Defense, and NEWT Transfiguration. I wonder why I didn't test into NEWT Arithmetic. I was best in the class behind Granger" I trail off as I squint at my sheet to see if I'm reading it wrong.
"I mean that's still a lot of NEWTS, I only have four" he mumbles back.
"Well that do you have?" I ask, only half paying attention.
"NEWT potions for some reason, NEWT charms, OWLS care of magical creatures, OWLS Herbology, OWLS Divination, NEWTS Defense, and NEWTS transfiguration." He reads out before stuffing the sheet into his bag.
"Harry! You'll wrinkle it!" I say while reaching into his bad and attempting to smooth out the sheet of parchment.

"Draco. I don't care" he chuckles before taking it back from me and crumpling it in his bad once more. Just the thought of dealing with that paper later is making me cringe.
"Oh stop it, it's just paper" he says while picking up his stuff and slinging it over his shoulder.
"Oh what are you going to tell me next, that you don't fold your shirts before putting them away?" I ask offhandedly because he obviously does, only barbarians would dare to have their clothes wrinkled in such a way.
"Yeah, I don't" He responds casually.

"You WHAT?!?" I say, to shocked to process anything.
"Okayyy lets get you down to breakfast" He say quickly while ushering me out of the room before I explode.

❤️ Hey everyone!! Kinda a fluffy chapter but don't worry, actual drarry stuff is coming soon. I think I'm going to make Sunday my upload day because it's been working out that way. Alright have a wonderful day!❤️
Reggy out!

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