27~ Wheres Harry?

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Draco's pov:
After eating some food and regaining my strength, I decided it was time to attempt to apparate again. I duck back into the ally and pull my mothers wand back out.
"Apparate" I mumble, half believing it wouldn't work. To my surprise, I opened my eyes to find myself back in the Slytherin dorm room. I quickly get out a piece of paper and write down the prophecy.

One who talks with the lowly will defeat the higher power

After writing I set the paper to the side and set out to find Harry. He must have come back to Hogwarts after meeting up with Blaise, right? He probably left before I fell and Blaise took me home. He wouldn't let Blaise do that... right?

I walk into the eighth year common room hoping to see Harry sitting there, but sadly I am met with Granger and Pansy with the rest of the Ravenclaw girls.
"Draco! Come over here we need your opinion" Pansy exclaims as she frantically gestures for me to walk over there.
"Yes?" I ask, wanting to get back to my Harry hunt.
"Ask him Mione" Pansy giggles.
"Well we've been thinking about baby names for my little girl and we've come up with Rosie. What do you think?" She asks as she looks down at her stomach. Hermione is four and a half months into her pregnancy and honestly couldn't be happier.
"I think that's an adorable name" I tell her, not wanting to mention that it's the same name as my great aunt Rosie. I am the only Malfoy most muggle borns dont want to kill, and I pride myself on that.
"Perfect! Rosie it is" She giggles while looking back at Pansy, who is equally excited.

"Actually can i talk to both of you for a second?" I ask. If Harry has gotten back to Hogwarts these two are bound to have seen him.
"Have you guys seen Harry around? I lost him while walking around Hogsmade yesterday and haven't seen him sense." I tell them, a worried tone creeping up in my voice.
"I haven't seen him sense yesterday, i'm sorry" Hermione says, a sympathetic look in her eyes.
"But i'm sure he'll turn up" Pansy chimes in.
"how about we help look for him" Hermione suggests, followed by Pansy nodding her head yes.

"Yeah that would help a lot actually" I tell them as a small wave of relief washed over me.

Harry's pov:

"Take your shirt off" Ronald says as he warms up some metal over a fire.
"Yes sir" i jokingly say as i remove my shirt and lay down on an operating table.

"So you  promise this mark will help me obtain eternal salvation with Lord Voldemort?" I ask Ronald, unexplainably excited about the coming events.
"Yes of course. If you do this and heed the teachings of our Lord you are guaranteed power in the after life" Ronald reassures me as he approaches me with two hot metal plates. one of the plates read "θεός" and the other "Έλα".
"Are you ready for an eternity with ultimate power?" Ronald asks, a green light gleaming in his eye.
"Yes" I tell him, awaiting the hot burn of salvation to be placed on my back.

Draco's pov:

"it's almost curfew, where could he possibly be?" I ponder out loud, only to find that Hermione and Pansy where just as confused as I was. We had spent the rest of the day searching every inch of the castle.
"Maybe we should tell Professor McGonagall what-"
"No. We're not going to McGonagall." I interrupt Pansy.
"We weren't supposed to leave the castle in the first place, and i'm not going to tell her the whole story"
"What do you mean the whole story" Hermione asks, a skeptical look in her eye.
"I- nothing. I mean nothing" I tell her.

"Draco there's obviously something going on, and it involves one of my best friends. Please tell me" Hermione asks, trying to keep her voice calm.
"Alright" I say. "But if either of you repeat this things will get ugly"

Harry's pov:

"Wow that hurts" I wince, trying to ignore the pain throbbing on my back.
"Trust me, it will be worth it soon enough" Ronald tells me, and I believe him.

"So why did you choose me? I'm honored, but a little confused. I thought I was unworthy of our Lords protection" I ask him.
"Our Lord is a very forgiving creature, to those He chooses to forgive" Ronald explains. "Our guards where watching for suspicious activity in Hogsmade when you stumbled into their path. Once knocking you out, our leader had a revelation and concluded that you where worthy of converting, despite being a half blood and betraying Him in the past. Like I said, very forgiving"
"You're right. I'm very lucky" I tell him as we walk to the leaders office. Ronald opens the door to reveal Lucius Malfoy sitting behind a grand desk.

"Lord Malfoy" Roland says before bowing, and I follow suit.
"Harry, we are thrilled to have you join us, and so close to the mass sacrifice" Lord Malfoy says as he stands up from his desk.
"I am honored" I reply.
"Now, I need you boys to get back to Hogwarts before anyone becomes suspicious." Lord Malfoy requests.
"Yes Lord, shall we carry on with the plans?" Ronald asks.
"Yes. Fill Harry in on what will be expected. You are dismissed" Lord Malfoy Finishes.
"Thank You Lord" We instinctually say in unison before leaving the room.

"We will go back to Hogwarts and do the last bit of preparation for the sacrifice" Ronald explains as we walk out of the cave system.
"What does that include?" I ask, wanting to start as soon as possible.
"Round up all of those at the school that the Lord Voldemort has chosen to rule with him, but pay extra attention to Hermione. He has chosen Her to be His Queen. Hermione's Baby girl will be the next Heir to the Lords throne." Ron finishes excitedly.

"What about those who where not chosen?" I ask, my mind floating to Draco.
"They will have the choice to either live under the power of the Lord and His Chosen Ones or live an eternal life of pain." he explains.
"As they should for not siding with the Lord"
"Exactly" Ronald agrees as we near the exit of the cave.

"You know Draco has his choice, and he chose against the Lord" Ronald tells me right before we exit. I pause for a moment then look back at him.
"Then he will suffer the consequences"

❤️ hey everyone! i thought i would post this chapter to make up for not being here for a while, and i can't wait to share how this story turns out. i love you all!❤️
Reggy out!

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