11~ Issues

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Draco's POV:
As you may know, your mother and I have escaped from Azkaban. As our son, you are expected to help us return to our former glory. As soon as you receive this note, you are to walk down to the Forbidden Forest. Further instructions will be giving.

If you fail to do the following, everything that's has managed to find a place in your cold, dead heart will be destroyed. You're a sad excuse for a son, and I will do everything in my power to make your life miserable life worth something. Even if it means death. Trust me when I say I know exactly what you care about.

- LM

"Harry... I-I don't think they forgot" I stutter while staring at the note, obviously sent by my father.
"What does it say?" He asks slowly while trying to take the letter out of my hands.
"Oh uhh it's just what the Daily Prophet said" I tell him quickly before crumpling it up in my hand. I don't exactly want Harry to see my father calling me a 'sad excuse for a son' among other things.
"Can I see it?" He asks again, more hesitant then last time.

"No" I respond quietly, looking down at the ground.
"Why?" He questions while stepping towards me.
"It's... It's private" I lie as I step back into the wall.
"Draco, we can't fix what's going on if you don't show me the letter" he counters while putting his hands on his hips.
"Who's 'we'" I ask as I mirror his actions, keeping the paper balled up in my fist.
"Me and Pansy you idiot" he responds.

Wait... Pansy must have gotten a letter. We haven't seen her all day. Oh no.

"Harry..." I croak out. "Pansy must have gotten a letter from her dad, right?"
"Do you think she..." He trails off.
"Well what are we waiting for, let's go check!" I tell him before dragging him to the Ravenclaw dorm.

We burst into the room, startling everyone inside.
"Pansy! Is Pansy in here?" I pant as we invite ourselves into the room.
"No, we haven't seen her all day. But that's not much of a change" A random girl comments while folding clothes.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit" I whisper to myself as I walk out of the room and into the common room.

"What now?" Harry asks as if he is waiting for me to form a plain.

I think he's waiting for me to form a plain.

"I'm not as 'quick thinking' as Granger, I can't just formulate a plain out of nowhere" I tell him as I start to pace. He just stands there, waiting for me to say something.

This can't be happening, how, why!?!? What am I supposed to do? Just let Pansy be sucked back into our parents lifestyle? Wait, the letter told me to go to the Forbidden Forest, maybe she's down there? Maybe I could go and pretend that I am rejoining, but have Harry and some others follow behind, ready to attack? Hold on, that may actually work.

"Ok, I have an idea"
Harry's POV:
"Hermione, Ron, we need to talk" I tell my former best friends, not expecting to get a very good response.
"Yes, we do" Hermione says sweetly as they take the seat opposite of me in the common room.
"Wow, uh ok. I kinda need your help" I state, now more confident then before.
"Oh" she says in an almost surprised voice.
"It's about Pansy. We think she may have gotten a letter and Draco and I are planning-"
"Oh" she says, a little louder then before. I pause and look at her a little confused.

"If I'm being honest, I thought you where going to apologize" she states as she looks over at Ron, who slightly nods his head in agreement.
"Look Mione, can we just put this stupid fight aside for a second? This is serious!" I ask her as I become more and more agitated.
"What, you don't think what we're fighting about is serious? Harry, you've changed-"
"We've all fucking 'changed' Hermione, get over it"

"No, I won't get over it. When's the last time you've laughed on your own accord? When's the last time you've smiled without it being forced? Don't think we can't see that your struggling. Don't internalize it Harry" She tells me. We are now standing up, face to face with each other.
"And this is all coming from the person who told me they would have rather seen me dead then alive. I can't believe I even tried asking you to help" I counter, still holding my ground.

"I... I can't believe you two. Leave me out of this" I hear Ron say before walking back to the Gryffindor room. Watching Ron walk away like that made my heart break. I couldn't stand there for much longer, so I went back to get Draco from our room.

"Come on, let's go" I tell him flatly as I grab my invisibility cloak.
"Did they say they would help?" Draco asks me as he grabs his mother's wand.
"Nope. It's just us" I say before walking to the door. "Are you ready?" I ask him, slightly annoyed.
"Yeah" he responds while walking up to me. "But if I'm being honest I don't think you are" He tells me as he takes my hands into his.
"What do you mean? I have my cloak right here and my wand-"
"No. Harry you're obviously angry. Let's just take a second to cool off" the blond responds softly as he pulls me into a hug. At first I am reluctant, but the feeling of Draco's arms around me instantly calms me down. I place my forehead on his shoulder as I feel his hand tangle in my hair.

"Now, what's wrong" he questions softly as I listen to the vibrations in his chest.
"Hermione thought I was apologizing when I asked them to help. She wouldn't even set the fight aside. Plus, I think Ron hates me" I tell him as he runs circles on my back. He just makes me feel safe, like I could say anything and he wouldn't judge.
"I know they mean a lot to you, but if they are still treating you like shit, then maybe you should take a step back. Sometimes fights like this can take a long time to heal, even if they are over nothing" He whispers to me, making my anger almost disappear.

"But it's not over nothing. Maybe I'm the one overreacting. I just can't believe she would want me dead" I tell him softly as I put my face in the crook of his neck.
"She needed something to take her anger out on, but that's isn't a reason to forgive her for what she said. She has many issues she needs to work through" he reminds me as he continues to trace his finger along my back.
"We all have issues, Dray" I mumble absentmindedly.
"Oh, Dray? I like it" he responds as he chuckles a little, making his chest vibrate.
"Oh shut it. Don't we have a friend to find?" I ask him while lifting my head to his face, making me have to look up a little.

"You're right. You have both our wands, your cloak, the Amortentia, and the Shrinking Solution? Oh and shrink our brooms just in case" He tells me as he goes through his mental list.
"Check, check, check, and check. Why do we need the potions again?" I question him.

"You'll see Potter, now come on we don't have much time!"

❤️ Hey everyone! Sorry if this chapter seemed rushed, I didn't really know what to do with it. It's just kinda there. Oh well. Thank you all so much for your continued support!! ❤️
Reggy out!

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