16~ Very Messy

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Harry's POV:
Draco and I finally make it up to the doorstep of 7941 Manchester Road. The complex it is attached to looks rundown and looked over. The brick is chipping, the paint on the door is peeling, and there is a faint smell that almost resembles cow manure.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" I ask Draco, who is currently standing next to me as he tries (and fails) to cover up the nervous look on his face.
"Yep" is all he responds with.
"Are you ok?" I ask him after a moment of awkward silence.
"Yeah yeah. I'm good" he pauses.
"It's just Theodore made is very clear he didn't want to uphold our friendship, and he isn't exactly the most stable person you will ever meet." Draco finishes while fiddling with his fingers.
"Don't worry about how he will react. Even if he doesn't agree to come back to Hogwarts with us, at the very least we should warn him about your parents plans for the near future." I remind the blonde as I put a hand on his shoulder.
"You're right. We should probably knock" he responds with a chuckle before turning to the door and knocking on it. After a few seconds with no answer, he tries again. A few more attempts later, there is still no answer. Draco turns to me, unsure of what to do.

"I don't know, is the door open?" I ask as a last resort. We haven't even thought of what to do if Theo wasn't home. Draco turns back towards the door and tests the knob. Lucky, the door unlocks and we step in.

To say the apparent is a mess would be a huge understatement. Empty bottles and half eaten junk food are scattered everywhere. Areas where you could actually see the floor are covered with a dark brown rug and stains. Every shelf or stand in the room is littered with trash and wrappers. Clothing and towels are scattered all over the space. From what I could make out, there is an old tv on a table, a room which I assume leases to the bathroom, a dirty kitchen that obviously hasn't been used for actual cooking in at least six months, and a couch that currently holds a passed out figure.

The person is skinny with ratty hair and huge eye bags. He didn't have a shirt on, so you could see his skin stretching over his ribs. The man has off white (probably used to be white) boxers on and obviously passed out on the couch a while ago, judging from the dried up drool on his face. (Think Klaus from umbrella academy lol)

"Is that.." I trail off, not looking away from the unconscious body.
"Theo? Yep. Nicotine is an appetite suppressant. And by looking at his arm, it's not the only thing he's gotten into." Draco states as he examines Theo's arm, and brushes over inflamed nettle marks with his thumb. He lets out a sigh and continues to look over Theo's body.
"Well, he's not dead" Draco concludes as he stands back up, still not looking away from Theo.
"I would hope not" I respond as I look down at the body.
"This is ridiculous, I'm waking him up." Draco says after a pause. "Go see if you can get him some water" he tells me as he starts to wake Theo up. I walk into the kitchen area and look in the cupboards to try and find something that resembles clean glass. Lucky there is s few left so i take the glass and fill it up with water from his kitchen sink and head back over to the couch. I put the glass down on the coffee table and kneel next to Draco.

"He's not waking up." He says through his teeth as he continues to try and shake him awake. It's obvious that he is not only frustrated but also scared by the situation, so I put my hand on his back in hopes of calming down. Lucky, it did just that. Draco relaxes and turns towards me, a defeated look on his face.
"I don't want to use magic, it will only make him angry" he says softly, more to himself then to me.
"We could always just take him back while he's unconscious" I suggest while lightly rubbing Draco's lower back.
"That's called kidnapping Harry" Draco states as he looks me in the eyes with an unimpressed look on his face.
"It's fine. Way worse has happened to me" I counter, an amused look forming on my face.
"I could be trying to convince you not to murder someone and you could use that as an argument" the blonde says as he crosses his arms.
"I mean I wouldn't be wron-"

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