He towers over many Lycans with the height over 6.5 feet, just like me.

He is an easy-going person, though, you can't tell that about him looking at his appearance. He is a muscled man and perfectly tanned. Us Royals got our great physique due to extensive workout routine, thanks to Alex's dad.

"Why do you look so tensed?" I asked him.

"I-uhh, I have to discuss something with you." He spoke and diverted his eyes from my face.

What the hell happened?

"Go on."

He looked at Charlie and then at me. He didn't want to talk in front of Charlie.

"uhh, I'll leave you two alone." My angel said and left the room.

"What is it Adam?" I asked once Charlie left.

"Situation is getting out of control."

"What do you mean?"

"The people are targeting you and Charlie now." I tensed hearing my mate's name.


"They say that they are not sure if Alex will return or not so now you are the only one, they can rely on." Adam explained.

"How is Charlie involved?"

"They want you to produce an heir. We all know Charlie can't give you that, they want you to take any female for the good of our kind and continue your bloodline." As soon as these words left Adam's mouth I stood up from the chair in rage and threw it across the wall.

"HOW DARE THEY SUGGEST SUCH A THING!" I roared. Rage clouded my mind. These wolves are really ungrateful.

"Calm down Ry."

"How can you ask me to calm down Adam? These people need to be put on their places."

"No, No Ryder. We need to have a plan to deal with this. I think someone is brainwashing them. They were not like this. You need to understand Ryder. Think like a leader." Adam reasoned.

"I don't want to be a leader to such pathetic beings. They think so low of the mate bond. How dare they suggest this? they want me to leave my true mate whom I've already claimed. They need to pay for this."

"What are you going to do Ryder? You can't just go and yell at people about this."

"Arrange a gathering." I ordered.

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

"I would like to make a suggestion."

"Go ahead."

"I think we need to inform Alex's father about this. If he'll be a part of the gathering then these people will stay in their limits."

Kenneth Arthur Knight, Alex's father. The Man who proved his dominance all over the world. The people of his era know first-hand how dangerous he can be. People feared him. he gave them the reason to. The reason there are so many rumours about Alex is because of this great former Alpha King.

We call him Uncle. He loves us the same as he loves Alex.

The former Luna Queen, Victoria Knight, is a mother figure for us.

The former Alpha pair does not know that their son already met his mate. I am surprised that the news of Berry getting injured and Alex disappearing did not reach them.

I think I can handle the situation pretty well, no need to involve them.

"You think that these people are not afraid of me? are you questioning my authority, Adam?" I asked, clearly offended by what he is implying.

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