Chapter 45- Season 2

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Berenice's pov

"Today I will train your wolf form. You will try to run as fast as you can. We'll start with making you comfortable in your wolf form." My mate said and I nodded happily.

Ryder and my mate decided to train Charlie and I as we can be an easy target for those demons if our mates are not around. My mate decided to train me himself and I heard that he is a very strict trainer.

Am I nervous?


Am I terrified?


Will I give my best today?

Hell yes.

"Turn into your wolf, sweetheart. Just close your eyes and think about your wolf form. Your will to change will do the work." My mate instructed.

I closed my eyes and imagined my gigantic brown wolf. Slowly, I felt my spine bending and my bones transforming. I gritted my teeth as I felt the pain with the breaking and re-joining of the bones. The pain was bearable, not as intense and gut wrenching as the first time.

I opened my eyes to a clearer vision, enhanced hearing and strong sense of smell. I felt like I am in some else's body. I looked down and saw two big furry paws in place of hands.

I put one paw forward but then retracted my step.

I want my mate!

I looked around but couldn't find him. I opened my mouth to call out for my mate but only a whine came out.

I heard a whine that came from behind me and I turned around to see the most impressive wolf I have ever seen in my life. He looked bigger than me, his shiny black fur fascinated me to no end. His oceanic blue eyes stood out from his overall dark look. It is my mate, the great Alpha King, in all his glory.

The true king






The one true male.

I was mesmerized by my mate's wolf form. My feet moved themselves towards my mate who was standing still looking at my form approaching him. I was so happy to see him that my tail started wagging in excitement.

His tail also started waging but not as rapidly as mine. When I got next to him my whole body started shaking in excitement as whine after whine left my mouth. I started sniffing my mate's heavenly and much stronger scent and rubbed my body on him. he just stood there patiently letting me do whatever I want.

I nuzzled his neck and continued rubbing myself on my mate. I even jumped on him a few times.

When he sensed that I was done putting my scent on him he rubbed his muzzle with mine and licked my face many times. I also licked him in return.

"Let's go for a run." I hear my mate's voice in my mind which startled me. I looked at my mate and he moved his head up and down to say yes.

I wriggled in excitement and bumped my nose on his firm jaw before taking of. My mate followed me, maintaining a short distance from me. I on the other hand explored the land where we ran.

"You need to be faster, Berenice." I hear my mate and picked up the pace. My mate started to run fast and went ahead.

I increased my pace to catch up to him but he was way too fast.

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