Chapter 36- Season 2

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Berenice's pov

I stood frozen on my place, my mouth agape because of shock. I could not believe who was standing in front of us.

There stood, in all his pride and glory, the father of my mate, the former Alpha King, Kenneth Arthur Knight.

How do I know?

I could tell that my mate took after his father. The beautiful oceanic blue eyes, the fair skin, the firm jawline, the face shape, my mate inherited it all from this man standing in front of me. The only difference is the color of the hair. The former king had dark brown hair. I could see a reflection of my mate in this powerful man, who is also the father of my mate.

I had an urge to seek approval from him. I could feel the powerful aura surrounding him that dominated almost everyone here. I always feel the same aura surrounding my mate.

He was dressed in the traditional royal robe. A sword in his right hand.

He had a calm look on his face but I felt the threat in the words he just spoke in his deep voice.

"Father." My mate whispered and that pulled me out of the trance that I was in.

I turned to look at Charlie and saw that Ryder was there holding a shaking and whimpering Charlie in his arms.

Ryder was trying to calm him down and pushed Charlie's face towards his neck. But the shaking boy did not seem to relax. His whimpering turned into wails.

"He is hyperventilating. Take him to your room." My mate told Ryder. I could see the worry etched on his face. He glared at uncle Matthew and rushed back to his room with his mate in his arms.

"Welcome home. Father, Mother." My mate said and walked towards the new arrivals. That's when I noticed a woman standing next to my mate's father.

A tall, fair and slender woman stood beside my father in law which I have no doubt is my mother in law. My mate inherited his beautiful shiny hair from his mother. She looked like a goddess standing next to her god like mate.

Her long black tresses were falling over one shoulder in beautiful curls.
she emitted the grace and confidence of a Queen. Her stance so powerful that people will automatically bow down to her.

Perfect Queen for the ruthless King.

Victoria Knight.

Her face light up when she saw her son walking over to her and she opened her arms to take him into her embrace.

She looked small in my mate's embrace.

After pulling away from the hug she ran her hands over my mate's head, observing him from top to bottom. Her eyes full of longing and happiness of finally reuniting her son.

"I missed you so much." She said softly in her sweet as honey voice after kissing my mate's forehead.

"I missed you too, mother." My mate said.

He then turned towards his father and nodded towards him.

"Welcome home, Father." He said in an awkward tone.

My mate is nervous!

He didn't know what to say to his father.

His father let out a laugh and grabbed my mate by his neck and pulled him towards himself to give a tight hug. My mate returned the gesture eagerly.

"Don't expect me to hold back and not show any affection to my only son." He said and laughed. My mate also let out a chuckle. They pulled away from the hug and my mate turned towards us and gestured me to go over to his side.

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