Chapter 18

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Berenice's POV

I could not believe what I heard. These Royals are really senseless when it comes to their mates. Even a sensible male like Ryder did something so reckless when it came to his mate. Who in the right mind would leave their soulmate after mating with them? How did he control himself after that? Is the mating pull so weak? Is this all a joke to these Lycans?

"Please don't look at me like that Berry." Ryder pleaded. Huh? What did I do?

"Look at you how?" I asked confused.

"You are disappointed in me." he mumbled and lowered his head in shame.

"You didn't exactly do something for me to be proud of you right? You should not have done that Ryder. Charlie is just a kid. You ruined the whole concept of soulmates for him." I scolded him.

"I know." He whispered.

"You better right the wrong you did. Go to him and apologize. Bring him back with you." I told him sternly. These royals can't treat their mates like garbage. It's not our fault that their life is so difficult. Why do we have to be punished? They created the mess so, they will be the one to clean it up.

"I can't." he whispered.

"What do you mean you can't? and stop whispering and speak properly." I snapped. He is getting on my nerves now. These Lycans are so prideful.

"He will never forgive me."

"How do you know? You didn't even try to apologize. Don't give me excuses Ryder." I swear to God I will punch him now. Okay, what is wrong with you Berry? Why are you getting so aggressive? Calm down!

I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"He- he came back to me after that." Ryder said slowly. His voice cracked in between his words.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Now, I'm getting worried. There is more to this story. How bad exactly did he hurt his mate? Oh God Ryder!

"When we were loading our things in the car, he came to meet me. I could smell him. I went looking for him. He was coming towards the pack house more like he was limping. Guilt overwhelmed me when I saw him. he was in so much pain both physically and emotionally. He was still crying his eyes out Berry. He was still crying.

Th- then he saw me and- and he ran towards me, straight into my arms. I was so worried for him. he shouldn't have run like that, he was already hurt. He clutched onto me tightly like he never wanted to let me go. I wanted to embrace him but I didn't. he kept on crying and pleading with me to not leave him. His parents came running and were shocked to see him like that. They were scared. The apologized to me and were trying to free his hold on me but he didn't let go.

You know what I did then? I yanked his arms away from me and shoved him to his parents.

Just stay the hell away from me you pest! I told you we cannot be together, why can't you understand such a simple thing? Do not show your face to me, ever or I'll kill you myself!

These were my parting words to him. How will he ever forgive me Berry? How?" he started weeping after telling me all this.

I was stunned. Suddenly, I felt rage rising in me. I was mad at Ryder. How dare he do this to that little boy. That innocent little boy. I couldn't control my anger anymore.

I slapped him.


He was shocked.

"How dare you do this to an innocent boy?" I snarled. My hands were shaking and I'm sure my eyes were also red because of anger. I felt the sudden urge to give justice to Charlie. I felt the need to protect him like a mother feels towards her child.

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