Chapter 12

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"Help me, please, help me! Is somebody here?" I'm lost in a forest, in the dark, screaming and running like a mad woman. No sign of another living being. I'm all alone here.

"Ryder! Can you hear me?" I have taken every turn possible but it seems like I'm moving in a circle.

I cannot see where I'm running which causes me to fall down every now and then. My body is all covered with scars and blood, my clothes are torn, I cannot stop crying. The forest is dead silent. The only sound that can be heard is of me breathing heavily.

There is no food, no water. It feels like I've been running for days. I can't see anything properly. This is my end. I will die this way.

Suddenly I see a very bright light emerging from a far end of the forest, it is coming towards me. I'm standing, utterly confused. What is this?

This bright enveloped me in itself and I felt pleasant tingles run all along my body. My body hummed in pleasure. All I could feel was bliss and satisfaction. I drowned myself in that pleasure with a smile on my face.


I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I rubbed my eyes and starched on the bed. Oh god, that was a dream. I stood up from the bad and opened the door. It was Marry.

"You're waking up now? It's almost noon." She scolded me.

What? I slept throughout the morning? But strangely, even after that bad dream, I feel well rested.

"How can you be so carele-" she stopped in the middle and started sniffing the air.

What's wrong with her? 

Her expressions changed, as if she realized something.

"Umm, just make sure you get ready on time and meet me at the garden." She said hurriedly and left. What just happened?

I closed my door and took a deep breath. My eyes snapped open. My room smells like my mate! How? Was he here? No, that's not possible. He hates me.

Oh no, Marry also smelled him here. What will she think the king was doing in my room? My cheeks heated up thinking about the possibilities.

Just forget it Berry. You have to get ready.

I did my routine and got dressed. My stomach grumbled, signalling that it wants food. I practically ran to the kitchen. I was that hungry.

Marry was in the kitchen, cleaning it all up. When she saw me running inside, she chuckled and pointed towards a tray. She already prepared my plate of food. I beamed at her and thanked her. I hurriedly stuffed my face because it was almost time and everyone was leaving.

It's a good thing I already packed my bag last night otherwise Marry would've killed me.

I reached the garden and it was packed with people. I have seen this kind of crowd during our pack festivals only. It seemed everyone was in a cheer mood. They were ready to enjoy the three days vacation.

We all were ready to go to the other side of the castle, but there was still some time remaining for the gates to open so Marry introduced to many girls of my age.

Most of them were responsible for the cleaning and gardening. I asked them that if they'll always remain in the castle, how will they meet their mates? Then I got to know that when anyone feels like they should go search for their mates, he relieves them from their duties and hires new people.

I also got to know that not only the family of the help, but many other families live in the castle. The castle is huge so, my mate allowed the ones who want to live here to settle down in the castle itself. They are free to move out whenever they want to.

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