Chapter 4

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Next morning....

My father called me to the meeting room. When I entered, I saw my mate and my parents already seated. I think he told them about us being mates. And here I was, doubting that my mate didn't want me. I sat next to my Mother and waited for one of them to start.

"Alpha king told us that you both are mates." My Dad said to me.

My heart filled with happiness that the Alpha King finally acknowledged us as mates. A huge smile made its way to my lips.

"Yes Father."

"He wants to take you with him to his place and start a life together. You should start packing. Rose will help you." He said without meeting my eyes. His voice cracked when he said those words. Is he not happy that I found my mate?

My Father was the one who used to tell me about how sacred the mate bond is. How one day I will find my mate and then from being his princess I will be my mate's Queen. Now, when the time has come why is he so sad?

"No one can know that she is my mate." The King spoke up. I was shocked beyond belief. I stared at him wanting answers but he ignored me. Why doesn't he want everyone to know that we are mates?

"Yes Alpha." My Father said. It was clear from his expressions that he wanted to know the reason but decided against it. Nobody can question the King's decision.

I left with my Mother for packing.

"Why was Father so sad?"

"Because there are certain things about your mate that you don't know. He is worried for your future, sweetheart." she explained with tears in her eyes.

What has my mate done? Why are my parents so worried about him being my mate?

"Mother... Please tell me what is the matter. You're scaring me. Please!" I begged. I wanted to know the truth.

"Berry promise me, you will look out for yourself. If a situation comes when you feel lonely over there, you will contact us. Please honey, promise me you will be strong. Your Father and I love you. If you ever feel you cannot handle anymore, you will return, promise me." By now my Mother was bawling her eyes out. She embraced me in a tight hug. With that one hug I could feel all her love and concern for me.

"Yes Mother, I promise. I will never give up. I am the daughter of Rosaline and Richard Raine. I'm a fighter. Don't worry about me. And I am going to my mate's home, no one can hurt me there."

"I- I want to tell you something Berry." Her voice wavered.

"Yes Mother, I'm listening."

"Your mate-" suddenly the door flew open, interrupting our conversation. It was my mate, Alexander.

"If you are done packing then we should leave. I don't have much time." He spoke with a blank expression. It is the first time he addressed me. I nodded and picked up my bags. Two of his men took them from me and went downstairs.

"Let's go." With that he left my room. I wanted to know what mother had to say about him but I was clearly out of time. Dread filled my heart. What are the things my mate did that had my parents panicking?

They once told me no matter how cruel a wolf is, he will always be loving and tender towards his mate. Then why are they so worried about me?

We made our way towards the cars. My mate made me sit in a car behind his. I wanted to sit next to him. I shot him a disappointed look but he payed no heed to it. Maybe he wants to make sure that I am safe.

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