chapter 29

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My head hurt and it hurt a bit to breathe as well. I definitely bruised a rib or two. I can't believe I fell down those stairs. I groaned when my dad sat up and checked on me. "Oh Cathy go get the doc," my dad looked at me and I softly smiled up at him. "Zoey, sweetheart you hit your head."

"I know. I didn't hit that hard, though." I mumbled. Dad poured me some water and I took a tentative sip. There's only one person I want to see and I'm sure he's itching to come to me too.

"Zoey, dear." Dr. Schmidt said as he came to me. He took out his stethoscope and I grimaced at the cold surface. "You have two bruised ribs, your vitals are good, and miraculously you hit your head but only sustained a tiny cut. I've monitored your brain activity since you've been here. It's been just over 16 hours since you've last been awake." I raised my eyebrows at that. 16 hours. "Zoey, you are doing just fine-"

"I want Griffin." I looked from Dr. Schmidt to my dad. "Get me, Griff." I felt the ring on my finger and touched it with my thumb. I smiled thanking that they didn't take it off. My dad nodded and left the room. Dr. Schmidt smiled down at me and patted my arm.

"Glad to see your memory is intact." As Dr. Schmidt was leaving the room Griffin appeared. He stalled in the doorway and I took in his disheveled appearance. He looks like he has been up since he brought me here. His eyelids are red and his eyes are duller than usual. Griffin hesitated in the doorway, his hair a mess from running his fingers through it. He looks like hell. I reached my hand out for him and shifted in bed so he could lay beside me.

"Griff," I whispered out. He was by my side in a flash and I smiled at the way he gently grabbed my hand. "Get in bed, you look like hell." I cupped his face with my free hand and he leaned into it, his eyes closing a bit. "Griff, climb in. I'm here." I pulled the bed sheets for him and he let out a sigh.

"So you remember-" I cut him off and squeezed his hand.

"I'm never going to forget you again. If I do, I will hurt someone to remember you. And you have to push me. I don't care about the consequences-" Griffins lips found mine and I smiled into the kiss. He pulled back and gave a few more pecks. He then slid into the bed and wrapped me into his arms. I rested my head on his chest and turned on my side to give him room.

"Lovey you have no idea how scared I was to know if you lost your memory again." I took his hand in mine and brought it to my lips.

"I am okay. I just lost my balance with that stupid box. Oh, Griff the clothes are probably everywhere." He let out a soft chuckle at that.

"They are, but that is okay."

"I can't believe I was asleep for 16 hours. Nothings wrong with me. Just a few bruised ribs." He titled my head up and touched the bandage on my head. "Just a superficial scratch. I made sure to brace myself with the fall." I leaned up a bit and I think he got the hint because he met me halfway. I loved the way his kiss tasted after on my lips. "Griff, you look like hell." I brushed hair off his forehead and tucked myself in to him more.

"I've been awake close to 28 hours." I gasped at that and he gave me a small smile.

"Sleep Griff, I'm right here. Rest for me?" He nodded and I placed my hand over his heart. "Calm down and relax. I'm here." I felt him pull me closer to his body. At this point, we were one person. I was practically on top of him. "I love you, Griff. Close your eyes." I could tell that as the seconds passed that he let sleep overcome his body. I smiled at that fact and took his hand into mine and held onto it.

I figured with my history, Dr. Schmidt would be keeping me for observation for another 12 to 24 hours. I didn't even know if that clock read 12 am or 12 pm. I've never been good at adding hours of the day. I wasn't sure how it was possible but after a few hours I had fallen asleep again.


Griffin was right. Clothes from that box are everywhere. Griffin wanted to carry me inside the house but I told him I was fine to walk. "Do you want some lunch?" I nodded at him and he kissed my forehead with a smile. "I can make some bomb ass grilled cheese," I laughed at that and he went on his way to make them. I knelt down in front of the box to pack everything back in. This time I'll let Griffin take it up.


"Yes, Griff?" He walked around the kitchen island and found me packing the box back up. "Sorry, I just thought I'd pick it all up."

"Don't your ribs hurt?" I nodded and he helped me stand up.

"Oh for sure, but I can deal with it." He raised an eyebrow at me in question but I waved him off.

We spent the day unpacking the first floor items and after a couple of hours it looked put together. There were definitely things we still needed to get which I added to a list, but overall it was a start. When we made our way upstairs Griffin made sure to walk behind me. Our room had way too many boxes in it that I just made our way to our empty bed.

"Griffin we didn't even make the bed," I laid back on it and he chuckled. I heard boxes opening before he produced the bed set box. He picked me up and let me sit on our ottoman. I let him make the bed, because my ribs were really throbbing. Griffin saw my grimace and walked over to me. "Don't worry, just sore." I could tell he was still on edge about it all so I gripped his hand in mine. "Griff," I pulled on his hand so he had to kneel in front of me. "I am okay. Look at me." He did and I could see the worry pool in his golden eyes. "I am okay. I love you. I am yours forever. Now say it back to me with a smile as all your worries and stress fade away," he shook his head with a smile at me.

"You are okay," he kept a small smile on his face. "You love me and I love you. We are getting married. Me and you. Our future is waiting for us." I grinned up at him and bounced my toes off the floor. "And you are cute when you are excited." I let out a laugh at that and stood up.

"I know I'm cute," I walked to the bathroom and worked on putting those boxes away. Once I was done I noticed Griffin got his clothes put away, and his team gear settled into the closet and had begun working on my clothes. I helped him put them away and we chatted about memories while doing so. When I folded my last pair of pants I threw the box at him. "There! Done!" I cheered. He sat on the bed and I smiled at our work. "We have a home, Griff." He nodded and watched me take it all in. His eyes glowed. I smirked at my new plan and walked up to him.

"Let's go break in that bathtub." 

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