chapter 22

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My body is on fire. He kissed the base of my neck and I relaxed into his hold. We've been at it all day. Last night we had our six year anniversary dinner. He got us a hotel room to avoid both our parents. His lips tickled my ear as he held me in his hold. "Lovey?" I leaned into his words melting a bit. "I love you."

"Huh?" I managed to whisper out. My body aching for him to finish what he started. "I love you more." I turned around and stared into his lust filled eyes. My body hitched as his lips connected with mine. I breathed across them as he laid me back onto the bed. His hand traveled its way up my leg, gripping onto my thigh carefully. He pulled me up closer to him as he moved from my lips down to my neck. "I love you so so much." I giggled out as he kissed my stomach.

I gasped for air and tossed my blankets off my hot body. Good God. I keep having hot and heavy dreams like this one. I made my way to the kitchen to grab some water to hopefully cool me down. It's two in the morning. I groaned as I made my way back to bed. I tossed and turned until I managed to fall back asleep.

When I woke up in the morning I was not in the best mood. Eddie greeted me when I walked in the kitchen for coffee and I just grumbled a response. It's been a week since I had the conversation with my parents. It's been over a week since I've held a conversation with Griffin. Ugh, I shouldn't be thinking about Griffin if I'm trying to remember the guy from my memory.

"Someone is grumpy this morning." I turned to Eddie and shrugged.

"Just keep having the same type of dreams." Eddie's eyebrows rose and I let out a small laugh. "Nothing bad, I promise" I made my way back to my room and picked up my laptop. We have a fun playoff photoshoot day ahead of us. I plan to get the guys in their home jersey for most of it. Maybe a few of their away jerseys. Since we have the higher standing, we get to start off playoffs at home. Unfortunately, we have to play a team that we have a better record over, but still can't seem to get a gap when playing them. Twice this year we went into overtime with them. It's just silly game play we have been showcasing with them.

I want to highlight some team bonding so I'm hoping to just let the guys lose on the ice and see where we end up. Eddie was going to drive Maria and I over. After the shoot they are going out on the town. Maria was able to get the two days off we have to spend time with Eddie. Then the team goes into a strict playoff regime. I made my way out of my room dressed for the day and smiled when I saw Eddie twirling Maria around the living room to some awful jazz music.

"This is cute." I paused staring at them. "But the music sucks and we're going to be late. So let's get going," Eddie rolled his eyes at me and called me a party pooper. "Pick better music next time."

"Honestly, it was bad music," Maria agreed with a laugh.

Once we got to the arena I made my way to grab my camera's from the space I was given. Maria followed me and I gave her a few things to hold. "You will be my wing woman today!" I cheered. She rolled her eyes.

"If it gets us out of here at a decent hour, then I'll be five wing women in one for you." I let out a laugh at that one and led her to the open ice rink. I instructed everyone prior to the shoot today to head right onto the ice once they got here and shoot shit. To have fun and mess around with the puck or each other. Whatever it may be.

It seemed they were having a friendly scrimmage so I told Maria she could sit and watch. "Wow, you get to take pictures of these guys all day?" she let out a low whistle and I let out a laugh at that one.

"Yes, yes I do." I made my way onto the edge of the rink and began snapping some shots. They were having fun, kidding with each other, having races and most of all smiling. You don't see a determined hockey team smiling like this on any given day. Griffin greeted Eddie as he came on the ice.

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