chapter 28

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G r i f f i n  POV

I ran up behind Zoey and kissed her exposed neck. She let out a joyous giggle at the action. "Are you excited about our house?" Zoey spun around in my arms and planted a kiss on me.

"Yes," she smiled up at me with her twinkling blue eyes. After we won the Stanley Cup, and Zoey and I got engaged I decided we should look for a house. When I first asked her if she wanted to get a place of our own she looked nervous. Over the span of a couple days the idea to have our own place was something she asked me for.

We spent the past week juggling between two houses just outside the city. They are both more open and had a yard for our future. The only difference between the two was the location. One was closer to a lake and the other was closer to the arena and the airport.

Overall, I took the bullet for our lives and went with Zoey's heart to the one closer to the lake. "I can't wait to move in. We get the keys tomorrow." Zoey grinned up at me and I picked her up in my arms. We were at my place after we ditched our friends at Cole's lake house.

I laid her back on the bed. "Griff!" She called out happily. "We have to pack if we're going to move in tomorrow." I kissed down her jawline and to her collarbone.

"It can wait," I mumbled, getting rid of my pants. Zoey giggled and blushed when I ran my hand up her bare thighs tugging her closer to me. Zoey gasped at the action but gave me a smirk when my fingers ran up her side and to her bra. She let out a low moan and moved closer to me. I let her discard my shirt and I kissed her chest up to her lips.

"Griff," she whispered out hoarsely. I smiled at the way her body fell into mine. I shuffled us so Zoey straddled me while I laid back on the bed. Her hair fell around her face as she smiled down at me. I felt my heart explode in my chest as the way her eyes met mine. Filled with utter love.


I carried a box of Zoey's clothes into the house and up to our bedroom. I saw Zoey smile at me as I set the box on top of her other one. "Same old you, lovey with all your clothes." She rolled her eyes at me but followed me back out to the car anyway.

Zoey grabbed a storage container and headed back in. I grabbed my promotional gear bag and a box of decorations and followed her in.

The guys were all here in the kitchen drinking beers. "Griffin! Zoey!" Felix yelled out. "Take a break, eat some pizza." Zoey rolled her eyes but set the storage container down and made her way over to Eddie. Eddie slung his arm over her shoulder and opened a beer for her.

"The ladies should be here soon, Molly had to stop to get Baylor," Frederick said while handing me a beer. I looked to see Zoey smiling at something Eddie said. God this is everything I've been hoping for. "So, you and Zoey talk about the wedding at all or are you waiting?" I looked to Frederick and took a swig of my beer.

"I think it will be a topic of conversation soon. I'm excited to get this place all set."

"And to christen it." Mattey said joining the conversation.

"That may be part of the reason," I admitted with a small smirk on my face. Both the guys slapped me on the back but I rolled my eyes in response. "I just can't wait to begin our future. It's all I've thought about since I bought the ring." Mattey let out a low whistle at that.

"Long time, Hodgkins." I nodded and greeted the girls as they came in with more snacks. I laughed as Julianne walked right up to Zoey and started chatting away.

"Julianne and Zoey have gotten close," I wondered out loud to the guys. Felix nodded and smiled at the thought.

"Yeah, Julianne, Molly and Zoey have been talking a lot lately. I mean they all talk but, then three really hit it off."

"Brooklyn, Nora, and Maria have hit it off too." Mattey said with a smile. "It's like girls have their own inner circle and then an inner circle within the inner circle."

We spent a few hours chatting and eating some snacks. Soon a few of the guys and girls headed out while others stayed to help. We just had a few more boxes to get up the stairs and then we could pack them up. I was bringing a small box upstairs and Zoey was right behind me with the last box of her clothes. I set the box down outside of our room. The house was set up nicely. Our bedroom was a longer span from the rest of the rooms up stairs. We had one downstairs too, for guests. Two up here for our future kids. Our room is separated, we have our own bathroom and big closet for all of Zoey's clothes. I made my way back downstairs to be greeted by Zoey at the bottom step.

Her box looks heavy, "Lovey you want me to get that?" She shook her head with a smile.

"No, I can carry my own clothes." She kissed me as I walked by. "I think you should help Frederick and Felix with that couch though," I chuckled as I took her suggestion and went to help the guys. I stopped just outside of the door hearing a crash. I turned back around to see Zoey drop the box and lose her balance on the stairs. She fell down the stairs and landed at the bottom. My heart plummeted at the way her head bounced off the ground.

"ZOEY!" I ran over to her and heard the guys grunt as they dropped the couch heading my way. Molly made her way over from the living room with Julianne and I knelt beside Zoey. "Lovey?" I asked gently cupping her face. She groaned when I moved her head.

"Ow." I sighed in relief to know that she is awake. "Griff?"

"I'm here, how's your head?" She tried to sit up but let out a small yelp when she moved her body.

"I think I did something to my ribs." I nodded and went to pick her up when I noticed the bit of blood on her forehead. My blood ran cold at that.

"Griffin?" I looked to Frederick and he put a hand on my back. "Just get her to Dr. Schmidt, it will be okay." I nodded and picked Zoey up bridestyle and made our way to the car.

"Griff?" Zoey whispered. I looked to her as I climbed into the back seat and let Felix drive us to the hospital. "I'm kind of dizzy. I'm sorry I should have let you take that box. I overstuffed it."

"Don't worry, lovey." Even though those words were for here I needed to hear them for myself. Zoey nodded in and odd out of consciousness and I felt my entire body tense at what is to come. I just got her back. 

All The Missing Pieces [Completed] [Watty's 2021]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang