chapter 5

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My first time taking pictures of the team was a few days ago. I worked while they were practicing. I met Felix and Griffin the other day in the locker room, and Mr. Russell introduced me to most of them at the practice we had. It dealt more with them going down the line saying their name, position, and number. I tried to keep up with it all, but sometimes my brain doesn't like the overflow of new information. I smiled at them all and saw Griffin stare at me longer than usual. When he noticed I was staring at him, his eyes grew a fraction before he skated away. I titled my head out of curiosity and just shook off the weird feeling.

I got some great starter pictures for the team. I got a few of the players goofing around, a few of them celebrating, a bunch of pictures of them skating and being focused on the puck. I even got a few pictures of coach having talks with them. I shared them with coach and Henry that night. They both responded in the morning that the pictures were great. I felt great about it, most of the pictures I took are saved to the folder on my desktop, edited and ready for use. I'm not sure who I should be sharing these with. Isn't there a media specialist that should be posting these and connecting with the community?

After a few days at the hotel I remembered something my nurse, Maria, said when she was caring for me during my recovery. I remember crying one day because I felt so awful for not remembering anything or anyone. She told me when I was leaving the hospital that if I needed anything to let her know. So I called her up remembering she was looking for a roommate. I'm was not sure if the open room is still available since I haven't seen anything posted on her social, but I called anyway. She may still have the opening.

Turns out her roommate she got a year after I was out didn't end up working out. She never paid for anything and left the place a mess. She said she had to threaten her old roommate with a lawyer and cops until she finally left. I asked her if she wouldn't mind me being her roommate. She only lives twenty minutes from the stadium.

"Of course Zoey! I would love for us to be roommates. I want to hear all about what has been going on in your life. Like, what are you even doing in town?" So I gave her a little brief introduction to my newfound job. "Holy shit. That's so cool. You're a NHL professional photographer. Dang, girl."

Tomorrow I get to move in with her. My parents are still hesitant but they are working on letting me go. I've managed to head back home after a late practice so I can begin packing and moving what I need from here to Maria's apartment. I thought that I would scare my parents by taking everything in my room, so I left some items behind in case they need it.


After I moved all my stuff in with Maria, we were finally able to catch up. I have an inkling that she knows more than she is letting on, but as my previous nurse I know she can't reveal some missing pieces to me. That would cause my brain to possibly break again. I hate that they call it that. Brain break. I wish they just said brain injury. Brain break makes it sound as if I am being sent away for being mentally crazy-- or something to the sort.

"So," Maria said, bringing me a glass of white wine as we settled into the couch, "how's it going being a photographer so far?"

"It's cool. The team seems to be nice and it's been pretty great so far to take photos of. I can really seem to catch their bonds while they're skating."

"How does it work anyway? Do you like taking photos and posting them, too?"

"No, that's the thing. I'm not sure what Henry would like me to do with the pictures. I just tend to send them to him when I am done." Maria looked at me and then nodded.

"Strange that you don't post the pictures, too." She shrugged and I nodded, taking a sip of the wine. "Maybe one day you will do that too."

I was going to tell Maria about the way that Griffin has been acting. He still acts weird around me. Like I'm not supposed to be here or something. But Maria and I are not that close. One day we might get there, seeing as we are now roommates. I have my first game tomorrow. Granted it's a pre-season game, but coach and Henry say all games are important.

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