chapter 8

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G r i f f i n  P O V

Zoey looks outstanding. She's dressed up too. In this gorgeous blouse that really makes her skin pop. Her little blue blazer makes her gorgeous blue eyes shine in the morning light. I wish I could have been by her side these past years. But if I did, we might be in a different situation. Good or bad I can't say.

She made her way onto the bus and I cursed and thanked God for letting her be on the same bus as me. She sat behind the coach, her black hair cascading down her back pin straight. I smiled when I saw her looking through the pictures. I hope she looks at mine. Frederick nudged me from across the aisle and I looked to him.

"What did you think of our last game?" I gave a shrug and tapped the headrest in front of me.

"I thought they played cheap, but what else do we expect from them? I think tonight's game will be better." Frederick nodded and then answered a phone call from his wife, Molly. I turned back to my own phone, but not before looking up and catching Zoey looking back at the players. Her eyes met mine and I gave her a smile. She gave a weak one back and turned back around, pulling out her own phone.

I wonder if her number is the same. I still have it committed to memory.


After a quick team warm-up and practice before tonight's game, Frederick and some of the boys made their way over to me. Frederick spoke up as he plopped on the bench beside me and untied his skates, "So when are you going to tell us your history with Zoey?"

I looked to him in shock and some of the guys turned to us. Mattey, Eddie, and Felix all got in closer. "What do you mean?"

"I see the way you look at her. Hell, you look shocked to see her here for the first couple days."

"Oh no way! Is that why you were so fucking out of it when we first met her in the locker room?" Felix asked sitting on the other side of me. Eddie looked at me a little closer and I shrugged.

"I just don't know what to do?" I said tossing my tape into the trashcan across the room.

"Start from the beginning and we can help," Mattey said. I sighed and rubbed my face. My heart and mind are so mixed up with seeing here, my game is a bit off. I have no idea how to interact with her. At. All.

"We've known each other for our whole lives. Her brother and I were basically brothers. He was my guy. I began dating Zoey in 8th grade. I was scared shitless when I heard they got in the accident. When she woke up I was right there. But she didn't remember me. I tried to help her. Showed her all the pictures. It made her worse, I put her in another coma for a week. When she woke up, her doctor told me not to contact her until she contacts me. He told me I could cause her another brain bleed.

"It's been four years and she still doesn't remember me. A week before her accident I bought a ring. Her brother originally thought I was crazy for proposing as a junior in college-- Zoey a freshman, but he also knew how head over heels I was-- still am, about her. I knew her and I were meant to be though, so I didn't care. We were together for five, almost six years when we got the call about the car crash. Her brother, Damon, died in the crash. I don't think she knows that either. I was going to propose and in turn, the universe gave me my girlfriend with no memory of me or our relationship." I rubbed my chin and let out a breath. My god, it felt good to tell someone. I'm so shaken up with her here.

The boys looked at me and Felix let out a low whistle. "Fuck bro." Eddie took in a deep breath and looked around the locker room. Mattey slapped my back and gave me a reassuring smile.

"So what about Caroline?" I shrugged and picked up my phone. I have five missed calls from her.

"I don't know. It's not like I can tell Zoey who I am. It might set her back again. I can't have that happen. But fuck, I still love her to death. Seeing her, looking healthy and ready to kick ass as a photographer. She's still my Zoey even if she doesn't realize it." Felix let out a chuckled and I looked to him.

"Man she has you whipped. I would have loved to see freshman college you trying to propose." I pushed him off the bench and Frederick put a hand on my shoulder to get my attention.

"I like Zoey. She's great. I will see what I can do to put hints out." I nodded and we finished changing in silence. We have five hours before we have to be back here. Eddie walked up to me and scratched the back of his neck.

"Listen, I had no idea before today who Zoey was to you. I just want you to hear the whole story before you punch me." Frederick and Mattey raised their eyebrows while Felix and I gave Eddie a questionable glance. "I've gotten close with her. We made out last night in her room." My hands twitched to punch him but he kept going. "She stopped it all. She told me she couldn't remember anything. I think I'm her first kiss since she's been out of the hospital. She told me she was beginning to remember something. She got a headache and we stopped. I think I helped her get one step closer to remembering you."

"No shit," Felix said, jumping over to Eddie. "You and Zoey! Why keep it from us?" Eddie shrugged and looked at me.

"I don't seem to get happy endings like the rest of you. And exhibit A again when Zoey turned me away-- but for a good reason." He covered his tracks when I gave him a death glare.

"Well, okay," I said and looked at Eddie. I held out my hand and he gave me a bro hug. "I guess maybe she's making progress." Eddie nodded and looked at Frederick.

"Maybe we should be dropping hints? Like subtle ones? She told me she would be my wing woman so maybe I can help her dig into her memory without it hurting?" I nodded and felt my phone go off again. Caroline.

"I think I need to take this, boys. Why don't I meet you outside and we can get brunch." I answered the call and heard her sigh into the phone. I let one out as well. This season is about to get tricky.


It took a lot for me to make this call. Zoey is an adult and she knows her own health. But when it comes to Zoey's memory and me, I can't take any chances. Her dad picked up on the third ring and I told him that Zoey may be on track to remembering me.

"I think she had a headache the other night while we were at an away game. I believe there was a trigger that got her to stop and think. I don't want to freak you out or make any quick judgments..."

"But when it comes to Zoey remembering you? Thanks for calling Griffin. I'll see if Cathy can get her to Dr. Schmidt. She's living with her nurse from that time, maybe she can help too. Any sign on her remembering Damon? He got signed there..."

"I haven't seen anything yet about D."

I heard him breathe in and breathe out. "I wish she would remember. I just don't want to push her."

"I know," I looked up and saw Eddie walk into the kitchen. "I have to go Frank, but I'll be keeping you updated."

"Thanks, Griffin. You are stronger than us all."

Tell me about it. 

All The Missing Pieces [Completed] [Watty's 2021]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα