chapter 21

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I wiggled my fingers as Dr. Schmidt sat in front of me. He checked out a few things before turning his attention to me. I decided to make an appointment to see how far I can push him. Some things are just out of place. I've been having a few dreams or memories from the first night I woke up with the same guy in each. In each memory he calls me lovey. And in each memory I cannot see his face. I'm beyond frustrated. I've been avoiding Griffin too, because after I kissed him it seemed like maybe he didn't want to continue that way with me. Maybe I'm wrong, but the shocked look on his face made my stomach flip.

"Zoey, you know I can't answer anything about your memory. I can't give you the pieces."

"I know but I just. I know there is someone. Someone I loved, or still love? I've been having dreams but nothing about his face."


"And?" I repeated frustrated. "I'm falling in love again with someone I don't even know! How is this? I'm so frustrated."

"I understand. I think at this point, the memory of the man is coming back to you. Don't try to jump the gun and get all the answers. The answers are coming. If you are having the memory dreams frequently-"

"Almost every night," Dr. Scmidt nodded and I sighed. "My memory is taunting me."

Dr. Schmidt shook his head and continued. "If they are that frequent, it's soon. One day something will strike your memory the way it needs to unleash all the memories and images you need to remember. I think after you remember him, you will be close to regaining your full memory." My eyebrows shot up at that as my eyes grew wide.

"Really?" He nodded and I took in a relieving breath. "Okay, well. I'll be frustrated and annoyed for a few more weeks?" Dr. Schmidt nodded but picked up his pen.

"I want to check in with you in a few weeks. If the memories are every day, then I would have to assume you will remember by then. If not, maybe some provoking but nothing too strenuous."


Mom looked at me with uncertainty as dad scratched his head. "Honey I don't know. Dr. Schmidt told us you would ask."

"I am not asking for a name. I am asking you to confirm my memories." I looked between them and gave a small smile when dad sighed.

"Fine, but if we choose not to answer something it's not because we are omitting information. It's because the information we give you, whether it be what you're hinting at or not, could hurt you." I nodded eagerly as dad motioned for me to ask away.

"The first one, was an anniversary date. You were talking to Damon and him when I ran up behind him to jump on his back. How many years?" Dad looked to mom, who raised her eyebrows at him.

"Well, I'm not sure that exact moment. But overall? Six years." I felt my jaw drop at that. I was with this guy for S I X years before the crash.

"Six years?" Mom nodded and shifted in her seat. She's nervous. "Was I still with him when the crash happened?" Mom nodded and spoke this time.

"Yes. He was the first one you saw when you woke up. He wouldn't leave your room. The doctors put a cot in there for him." I gulped as I processed this. This guy I was with for six years.

"Did I know him before the six years?"

Dad leaned back in his seat thinking that one over. "You did. Your relationship grew on that fact. I won't tell you for how long though."

"So I broke his heart. Shattered his world. I did didn't I?" Mom stayed silent and I sighed. "I woke up and couldn't remember him. But how could you guys stay with me and get me to remember you as my parents? Why did he go?"

"When you woke up, he tried so hard to convince you who he was. He brought in anything he thought would remind you of him. In return, your brain hemorrhaged again." I raised my eyebrows at that. Oh my. "When you woke up again a second time, Dr. Schmidt told him that he should wait until you showed signs of remembering him."

"But I haven't yet. It's been five years. How do I know he hasn't moved on?" Dad smiled at that one. Mom did too.

"He's loyal to you."

"I don't think that boy could love anyone other than you sweetheart," Dad said. I looked at him and sat back thinking about it. So the guy is still waiting for me.

"He played hockey with Damon didn't he? Some of my memories show me on the ice with both of them. In fact one memory I had while remembering Damon came back to me with the guy there too." Dad nodded and I sighed. "You guys took him out of the photo albums."

"And we trust you enough to not snoop through team photos. I think if you try to play detective, it could cause more stress on your brain." Mom said crossing her legs and uncrossing them. "Taking the photos out was my idea. I knew that it was only one way to let you find him yourself, considering all the other ways you can snoop on social media, but I trust you to know your brain and the level of stress it cannot have by you doing that." I sighed and pulled my legs up to my chest.

"He still keeps in contact, sweetheart." I looked to my dad. I'm sure shock is plastered over my face. "He checks in. He's still your love, sweetheart. He's waiting for you." I let out a groan of frustration. Great just great. Now I get to live with the fact that this guy is waiting for me to remember him. The torture for him is proabably worse than it is for me, but these memories are resurfacing feelings too.

"The memories bring up my feelings too. It's not just me remembering who he is or his actual name. It's everything about it too. I can sense my heart soar when I go to bed because I know I will have a memory of him. It's all a lot but also I am excited." Mom got up to come and hug me. I sighed leaning into her embrace. "I wish it wasn't too much to ask to just wake up one morning and have it all be back."

"Maybe there's still some trauma hidden somewhere," Mom whispered. Whatever she is implying I'm sure she knows that something involving the love of my life has caused me to keep him under lock and key in my memory. There must be something big I'm not aware of yet. 

All The Missing Pieces [Completed] [Watty's 2021]Where stories live. Discover now