Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


Avron stumbled forward, clinging tightly to the spear in his hands. He didn’t dare look back, afraid of what he might see and kept his focus on what lay ahead. Luke was holding off William, but the king was strong and wouldn’t be giving in any time soon.

Avron gritted his teeth, doing his best to push away the pain in his gut until it was all over. He was closer now, just a few more paces and it would be done. William was turned away from Avron, his focus entirely on the Dragen before him.

Avron was mere feet from the end when he stopped dead in his tracks. Luke cried out and fell forward, blood gushing from an unseen wound. William stood over the Dragen triumphantly, his back still faced to Avron.

“No one will dare stand in my way again!” William roared, “We will rule all!”

“Not if I have anything to say about it!” Avron screamed, lunging forward with his weapon aimed straight for William’s heart.

The king lurched as the blade pierced his chest and he looked back at Avron, horrified. “N-no!” William gagged as Avron pulled the spear back, “I-it can’t be!”

The king screamed, using the last of his strength to swing his sword around. Avron ducked and brought his spear around, aiming high.


Avron blinked and looked up to see William’s headless body collapse to the ground. “I,” Avron breathed, falling to his knees, “I did it.”

He groaned, tasting blood in his mouth as he doubled over. “It’s over,” he rasped, struggling to breathe, “I’m done.”


Quinne cried out, rushing forward as she watched Avron collapse. “Hold on!” She shouted, dropping to his side, “Avron, hang in there!”

He blinked slowly and looked up at her, smiling softly. “Quinne,” He chuckled, placing his hand against her cheek, “See, I told you I’d see you again.”

“Not like this!” Quinne scowled, tears pouring down her face as he groaned, clutching his chest.

“You’re right,” he panted, biting down on the inside of his cheek to keep from screaming, “I’ve got a feeling this isn’t quite over yet.”

He cried out as an unseen blade pierced his heart and he felt himself falling. He heard Quinne’s cries grow faint as he landed on hard, solid ground.

You’re dying.

“No,” Avron groaned, struggling to stand as he looked over at what was left of Avro’ Nova, “I won’t be the one to die.”

Avro’ Nova was no longer human, but had returned to his original form as a stone, but his light was fading.

“Right now it’s half and half,” Avron struggled for breath as he fell to his knees, picking up the flickering stone, “it’s just a matter of who fades first.”


Avron smirked, turning towards the black lake before him. “It’s over,” He grunted as he clutched the stone tightly before throwing it as hard as he could.

It hit the water and sank beneath the waves. There was a strange, eerie silence that lingered for a moment, before everything shattered. Avron braced himself as glass shards broke from the surface.

He turned towards the exit, ready to leave, but stopped. The poleax wasn’t there anymore, nor the body it was kept in. Instead, someone was standing there, smiling at him happily with arms outstretched.

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