Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Norva(the longest and worstest chapter ever)

Quinne blinked, and sat up slowly on the cot. At some point she had been carried back to her tree hut. She looked to see her shoulder had been cleaned and bandaged thoroughly. She thought of Vlad, and the kiss, and wasn’t sure what to make of it. “Should I be angry?” she mumbled, “Perhaps depressed?”

She shook her head and got out of bed a bit too fast and almost had to sit down again. She’d lost a lot of blood and her throat was still swollen. She leaned against the wall, groaning as she rubbed her neck. “The traitors!” she exclaimed, fully recalling the occurrences that had happened.

She stubbled out of the hut and managed to keep her pace at a slow walk until she found Vlad sitting inside the weaponry, sharpening his spear. “Vlad!” she exclaimed, managing to get his attention.

He looked up and scowled. “What are you doing out of bed?” He asked demandingly, standing over her.

“Never mind that,” she shook her head slowly, “I need to tell you about-.”

She was cut off by a cry of terror, coming from the river. Immediately Vlad was to his feet with half the Resistance trailing behind him. Quinne grunted fighting her way through the crowd until she stood by Vlad’s side. She let out a silent scream, staring at the dead corpses littering the ground beside the river. Blood trickled into the blue waters, turning it crimson. She bent down and flipped a body over, recognizing it to be a betrayer. She was surprised to see what looked to be claw marks in his flesh. “Well, don’t just stand there gaping!” Vlad turned around to the surrounding rebels, “get this mess cleaned up!”

Quinne remained on the floor as the bodies were carried away until none where left. “What could’ve done this?” Vlad grumbled, running his fingers through the blood.

“Well, I’m glad they’re dead,” Quinne growled, “All of them were planning to overthrow Avron.”

“What?” Vlad looked over at her, his eyes wide with shock.

“That’s why Christopher was trying to kill me,” Quinne sighed, staring at her hands.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a form standing in the shadows.

 She blinked, studying the form carefully. She felt her heart rise up in her throat as relief washed over her. “Avron!” She cried, close to tears, as she rushed for him.

Vlad looked up, not sure what to think, and noticed the form in the shadows for the first time. Horrified, he nearly shoved Quinne to the ground in order to stop her. “Vlad!” She screamed, fighting to get away from him, “Let me go!”

“Quinne, look at me!” Vlad commanded, never once looking away from the so called Avron.

She bit her lip, fighting back the tears, and obeyed. Vlad took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Quinne,” He looked down at her somber face for only a second, “That isn’t Avron.”

“It is,” she nearly growled, and turned away, “It has to be…” Her voice trailed off as she studied the form once more.

He was looking at them with his greedy eyes, a black poleax was was visible from underneath the folds of his cloak. Even though she refused to admit it, Vlad was right. The man before them couldn’t be Avron.

“I can’t believe my luck,” he chuckled, stepping towards them, the polax dragging behind him as the sunlight illuminated his bloodstained, silver hair.

Even his voice was different from Avron’s. It was full of confidence and held a different kind of enchantment. A dark one that chilled Quinne to the bone, leaving her frozen with fear.

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