Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The Trial

He’s second in command?” Quinne looked back to Dane in disbelief, “that man?”

Dane sighed, and nodded. “You learn to respect him for who he is,” Dane chewed his bottom lip, watching as Vlad slowly began to walk towards them.

“You’ve only been here for a few hours!” Quinne protested.

“Well, let’s just say the Trial also showed me some lessons in respect,” Dane looked down at Quinne with a guilty smile playing on his lips.

“Trial?” Quinne blinked and shook her head before looking back up at Dane, “what is the trial?”

“You take it to see if you qualify to join the Resistance,” Dane held up three fingers and began to count them down, “Archery, Defense, and Offense.”

“Alright,” Quinne gave him a look of determination, “that’s nothing more than I can’t do.”

“Yes, but you don’t know Vlad,” Dane grinded his teeth, looking worried as Vlad came over, stepping between them.

“Alright, Quinne,” Vlad shot her a glare before continuing, “Avron’s says he’ll let you go through the trial.” He raised an eyebrow, looking her over, “If that’s what you want.”

“I’d go through anything to stay with my brother,” Quinne clenched her fists in resolve.

“Okay, then,” Vlad smirked, towering over her, “but don’t expect me to go easy on you because you’re a girl.”

“Don’t worry,” Quinne sneered back, “I won’t lose.

Vlad let out a huff and walked towards an arena, “follow me.”

Quinne rolled her eyes and stomped after him, trying to match her stride with his. “Alright,” Vlad swung himself over the fence, grasping a bow and quiver from a rack of weapons, and held them out to her, “let’s see how good you are with a bow.”

Quinne climbed over the small fence, and took hold of the weapons passed to her. She marched to the center and faced a row of targets. She slung the quiver over her shoulder and took hold of an arrow. She notched it and pulled the string back, taking careful aim. She sucked in a deep breath and, upon releasing it, let the arrow fly. It struck the center of her target burying deep into the sandbag.

She turned to Vlad watching him jot something down on a small notepad. He noticed her staring a glared, “continue, if you don’t mind.”

Quinne returned the scowled and fired another arrow, splitting the first in half. Vlad yawned, and shook his head, mumbling something under his breath. Quinne sighed, growing more irritated by the second. She looked back and forth along the row of targets, finding them slightly repetitive. She stomped as far back as she could and turned back around, facing the targets once more. She fired arrow after arrow, hitting the center every time. In between shots, she took the time to glance of at Vlad. He simply scratched his scalp, staring down at his notes. Quinne scowled, crossing her arms, before jumping up on top of the fence. How was she suppose too prove herself if he wasn’t watching. “Hey!” She drew the string back, firing an arrow in between his legs.

Vlad jumped back, looking up at her in shock. Quinne took her chance, and leapt from her perch. While in the air, she released an arrow. When she hit the ground, she rolled, firing a second arrow. The first had struck a hanging target in the arena beside them. The second was buried in the wood of the fence, with the corner of Vlad’s sleeve stuck to it. Quinne smirked, standing upright, waiting for his reaction. He blinked slowly, taking the scene in, his eyes traveling from the hanging target, to Quinne, the arrow between his legs, and then back to Quinne.

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