Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Quinne marched along, her bow to clutched cautiously in her hand, the fear from the sudden attack still making her alert to threats. Her already soaked boots sloshed through the water and blood around her feet, making the leather heavier than usual. The rain was still pouring but not as heavy as before and the current that had nearly whipped her off her feet had died down. The guards seemed to all be gone now, but she couldn’t help but wonder if some still lurked around the corners, waiting to strike. She jumped slightly, raising her armed bow, as Vlad clumsily entered into the clearing a bit to her right. “Vlad!” She exclaimed in both relief and annoyance, “Where on earth have you been this whole time!?”

“I-I was,” Vlad rubbed his head as if he’d just woken up from a nap, “I was trying to make my way back when I saw the blood. I guess it’d been there for a while since I wasn’t very far when I spotted it.”

“What, were you up in a tree the whole time or something?” Quinne huffed in exasperation, waving her arms above her head.

“Yes,” Vlad mumbled, scowling at her, “it’s a much faster way to travel than trying to weave in and out of trees. Some of those roots really like to spread out and get in the way.”

“I can’t believe you were asleep this whole time,” Quinne groaned, shaking her head.

She noticed Vlad opening his mouth to speak, but she raised her hand. “Don’t,” She demanded, shooting him a glare, “It’s useless arguing now since the battles already over.”

Vlad seemed to agree with this for he went silent. “Hey, Quinne!”

They both turned, to see Christopher approaching, waving his hand above his head. “Hey, Chris,” Quinne smiled warmly, “haven’t seen you for a while.”

“Yeah, I know,” Christopher shook his head smiling, “I was beginning to worry about you a little.”

Quinne’s cheeks flushed as she fiddled with her fingers. “You don’t have to do that,” She mumbled, smiling nervously, “I can take care of myself.”

Vlad blinked, giving Christopher a curious look, as if he was trying to make up his mind about something. “You’re one of the Archers, correct?” Vlad asked cautiously.

“Why, yes I am,” Christopher smiled, scratching the back of his head.

“I don’t remember doing the Trial with you,” Vlad chewed his bottom, tapping his foot slowly.

“That’s because your grandfather was Second-In-Command,” Christopher chuckled.

Vlad blinked and sighed. “Oh, right,” He mumbled, feeling relief go through him, “You’re one of those people.”

“One of what?” Quinne asked Christopher as Vlad walked away.

“Well, it’s a bit complicated,” Christopher sighed, scratching the back of his head, “Avron gives some of his rebel’s samples of his blood, drawn by a Colzen blade. When they drink it their life span doubles and makes it so you can only be killed by a Colzen blade.”

“Well then,” Quinne blinked, in a state of shock, “how old does that make you?”

“It’s been so long I’d have to guess,” Christopher mumbled, “A bit over a hundred years perhaps.”

Quinne’s eyes widened in astonishment. “That old!?” She exclaimed, her spirit dropping slightly, “but surely you don’t look older than seventeen!”

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