Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Quinne and Dane sat on the bank of a small creek, watching Freyda and Leo lap up the crystal waters. “This place is so beautiful,” Quinne sighed, leaning on her brother’s shoulder.

Dane chuckled, stroking her black hair. “Well, William could attack again any day now, so enjoy it while you can,” he mumbled, smiling down at her gently, before tugging playfully at a strand of her hair, “it’s gotten pretty long in just a couple of weeks, hasn’t it?”

Quinne watched as he pulled it down a little ways past her shoulder. “I guess,” she grinned, flipping the locks out of her face, “I’ll have to trim it soon if I want it to keep growing.”

“Here,” Dane pulled his knife from his boot, “I’ll trim it now for you if you want.”

Quinne laughed, putting his hand down. “No, I don’t trust you,” she made him put the knife away and began to stand up.

“Don’t do it!”                                                                                     

She ducked unaware of who spoke but was glad she listened, for moments later an arrow whizzed over her head. She looked up and scowled to see Vlad his eyes wide with fear, the bow he once held clattering against the rocks in the bed of the brook. “Why did you stand?” he exclaimed, jumping down from his perch to retrieve the weapon.

“Why did you fire over my head?” She yelled back, standing up again.

“Hunting,” he grumbling, gesturing behind her, “why else?”

She turned just in time to see a deer attempting to run away, an arrow buried in its back leg. “Now, if you don’t mind,” Vlad huffed, swinging his bow over his shoulder, “I have an animal to track down.”

“Mind if we tag along?” Dane asked, tilting his head to the side curiously.

Vlad sighed in what sounded to be despair and nodded, before walking past them. Dane followed and Quinne ran to catch up. By now the deer was out of sight, leaving nothing but a small trail of blood and fur behind. They all walked in silence, the muddied ground muffling their steps. “So,” Quinne stretched her arms behind her head, “why exactly did you grow your hair out so long?”

“I don’t have to answer that,” Vlad growled, avoiding her gaze, “it’s a stupid reason, anyway.”

“C’mon,” Quinne smiled, forgetting her hatred towards him for the moment, “I promise I won’t laugh.”

            Vlad was silent, making Quinne think he wasn’t going to answer. She sighed and turned her attention back to the blood trail, the disappointment still showing in her eyes. Vlad stole a glaze towards her and felt slightly sympathetic.

“A family heritage of mine,” He spoke up, watching her face light up out of the corner of his eye, “was that the youngest follow his father’s ways. That also included growing his hair out.”

“You’re the youngest?” Quinne asked, growing very interested, “are your siblings also part of the Resistance?”

“An only child actually,” Vlad shook his head, smiling slightly, “if I had siblings, you would’ve known long ago.”

“Does that mean you’re a noble?” Dane jumped in.

Vlad pondered for a moment, wondering if he should really tell them everything. “No use hiding it,” He mumbled, “I’m a direct descendant of the line of Dellmar.”

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