stranger || moxiety

390 8 2

◈ Genre: fluff ◈
⍍ Trigger Warnings: none ⍍
◍ Words: 357 ◍


Patton stared at the groups of people cuddling together to keep warm. It was normally warm so when the weather drastically changed you could expect a stranger to cuddle up to you. People wore big winter coats, scarfs, gloves and layers of clothing.

The weather seemed to forbid any clothing that didn't cover everything yet as Patton scanned the groups he spotted one man who wore a jacket decorated with purple patches, black gloves, ripped jeans and purple sneakers that popped in colour compared to the dull colours he wore. Patton grew worried for the stranger, so unfit for the freezing weather. He rushed over to them in hopes he could do something to keep him from dying of hypothermia.

"I'm sorry to bother you sir but you seem to be freezing due to your lack of.. appropriate clothing" Patton said, he did notice that he sounded a bit like his cool brother Logan.

Now that he was closer to the stranger he could notice more things about him like how he was pale, seemingly tired and his cheeks were light pink most likely from the cold. Another thing he couldn't notice from afar is the how much shorter the Male was compared to him. Patton was about the average height of 5,9 and just from looking he could tell that the stranger was 5,4.

"I'm not too cold so you can run away now, maybe find someone else to cuddle"
the shorter male said with a fake friendly smile. "But you're a tad cold correct?"
Patton said a bit too hopefully, the stranger sighed, "Correct" he said while staring into the taller male's eyes, it was obvious that he wanted to cuddle.

"Then we could- wait firstly, my names Patton." He attempted to calm himself down as he stuck out his hand for a handshake. "My names Virgil, and it was interesting meeting you Patton" Virgil said as he accepted the handshake to only find out it was trick and that Patton pulled him into a hug once it was accepted. "You're freezing" Patton stated earning another sigh from the shorter one. "I guess I am"


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