Him || Patmile, a bit Remile

291 2 0

◈ Genre: Fluff? ◈
⍍ Trigger Warnings: none ⍍
◍ Words: 825 ◍


There is this boy, Emile Picani.
Nobody really noticed him for a while in elementary but then third grade, he gained attention. That attention grew it was strange, some people loved him, some feared him, some barely knew him yet seemed to have an interest and then some just looked and stared.

He had a reputation that considered him popular, almost everyone knew him. He had almost spoke to everyone, no matter what age they were or group they were a part of. He had friends in the grade below him, above and his own.

People didn't tell it to him but they believed it was strange for a person to befriend so many and to talk to people who he barley knew.

The people considered popular, the more average type of popular, had barely spoke to him until he had been labelled popular by so many.

The ones that were rude to many were kind to him. They tried to befriend him but he just spoke to them not caring that much about them.

The last trip they had before summer was amazing for him. Many didn't enjoy it as much but he loved it. He talked to so many people, mainly being with his best friends. Patton and Virgil.

He spoke to Virgil after finding him alone but he mainly was with Patton.

They had a conversation about the couples that happened in their elementary school.

"Most of them barely lasted a week!"
The laughed

"You know we would be the most realistic couple out of all of them"
Emile said, he had a crush on Patton but hid it from him.

Much to his surprise
"Yeah we would"
Patton giggled.

That conversation left Emile conflicted, he wanted to tell him how he felt, they wouldn't be going to the same middle school but he knew if he told him.. it would risk too much. So once summer started the continued their lives sometimes talking to each other. It was great.

They stopped talking after middle school started. Only having one conversation over text about Patton hearing someone say that Emile kicked them.

He told himself that he would wait until high school, they were going to the same one.

It was strange being alone but being surrounded by so many people.

Emile gained a presence of being welcoming, innocent, nice and it caused people to talk to him.

He was confused for a while until he made friends with Remy, who told him at first when he saw Emile he thought that he was innocent and kind then he got to know him and found out he was much more. He was more hyper then he could've believed.

Emile grew a crush on Remy but he didn't say a thing, Remy was bisexual he knew that just Remy had a girlfriend. He didn't want to cause any trouble, Remy was happy with her.

He continued to make friends and began to be more happy. He had four relationships, three being toxic, one he had cheated on the person because he didn't know better. He learned it was wrong and just grew from it.

He read a book called Stargirl, he loved it. It made him feel something special.

It was strange. He made two friends online, one he nicknamed the other nicknamed themself. One he felt free with the other he felt confident with. One complimented him each time they voice chatted. The other laughed with him.

He had confidence about himself, he had friends everywhere again. He was the lowest grade, sixth yet he befriend the seventh and eighth graders. His reputation and presence. Two girls who were rude to a boy in his grade were decently kind. He complimented a girl a year above him all the time, it became normal and he enjoyed her face. He spoke to a girl a lot he didn't know what grade she was in but he knew she was above him.

He seemed so magical, just gaining friends easily and becoming popular easily too. Almost like a sim that has the world made for them and for it to be perfect for them.

He became lonely though, he might've had lots of friends but he missed Patton. He feared that they wouldn't be friends in high school since it be three years after speaking to him.

He stared at the mirror for a while and smiled. He enjoyed who he saw, he had disliked himself for a while but he grew to like himself.

He thought about what he would do when Patton entered his life again, he smiled and took a deep breath.

"Whatever happens, happens.. it's how the world said it should be"

He said to himself.

He tried to keep his bad feelings and thoughts away but he knew no matter what he tried. They were somewhere telling him that he would



have the friend he desperately needed.


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