Idiots || VirgilxDeceitxRemus

929 27 12

◈ Genre: Fluff & Comedy ◈
⍍ Trigger Warnings: Glock ⍍
◍ Words: 931 ◍


The Dark Sides, you expect them to be evil and well villains but they aren't.
Not even close.

Deceit yelled at Virgil
Deceit hissed back

For what seemed to be an hour the two boyfriends hissed at each other, they loved each other and liked how the other hissed. They never wanted to stop.
Remus overheard their adorable hissing fight and he smiled,
'My boyfriends are adorable'
He thought, Remus walked into the room while they continued to hiss.

Deceit stopped hissing to face Remus, "Why'd you stop.??"
Virgil whined
Deceit pointed at Remus and Virgil's face lit up again.
"Rat man!"
Somehow without getting 8 hours of sleep and only getting 8 minutes he immediately got up and hugged Remus.
This shocked the tall rat and Deceit.
Deceit got up and joined the hug.


Valentine's Day came closer, it was only just around the corner so the three boyfriends decided to get each other things, problem was... well.

'What would Deceit want? OooOo Gloves that can handle fire!'
Remus thought and skipped off in the store to find these fire handling gloves that would be absolutely perfect.

In a different store, there was Virgil with a similar mindset,
'What would a slimy short snake, want for Valentine's Day?'
Virgil grabbed a book from a random lady and hit his face with it,
"Thank you" he handed it back to her.
Virgil had a lightbulb go off

'Wait! I know exactly what he would want!'
The book really did get the brain cells working. Virgil with his idea ran off into another store to get Deceit his perfect gift.

In the same store as Virgil there was Deceit, thankfully they didn't see each other. Deceit along with Virgil found a great gift.
'I think Remus and Virgil would like this'
He held the gift and stared at it proudly,
'It'll be perfect as long as I get them the other thing'

Then back with Remus, he had gotten the gloves and something else for Virgil, which was the reason for the gloves.
Virgil had gotten Deceit his gift and Remus his.

Remus' gifts would probably led to a house fire, Virgil's would probably led to Deceit and Remus to be bubbly happy things. Deceit's would probably led to war.

Perfect gifts all around!


Each of the boyfriends had to hide the gifts they got for their significant others, it was difficult to do so. Not just because they wanted to attack each other with love, but because some gifts were alive.
They had yoinked a random person to take care of the gifts that were alive, the random person was Emile. Who literally didn't care how deadly an animal could be he just found a way to calm it. A perfect person to take care of the breathing gifts.

While Emile did that,

Remus held a glock in his hand aiming it at the ceiling fan.
Virgil yelled
Deceit yelled back trying to take the glock from Remus.
Virgil had an idea and yoinked Deceit away from Remus,
"We can give him to Roman till he calms down"
"How do you think we'll get past Patton with a gun?"
"You're the liar think of something"
"You lie too so think!"

They stood there thinking while Remus was shooting the ceiling fan.


A screech was heard from the light side of the mindscape. The screech wasn't that manly so it was very obvious who the Disney princess screamer was.

Roman screamed and ran from his brother who was chasing him with said gun.
Deceit and Virgil laughed,

"you make up for your height with these types of things"
Virgil chuckled and patted Deceit's head, Deceit hissed at the taller side,
"And you make up for your sleep with these things"
Deceit pouted, it was to believe that this short stack was considered evil by the light sides, well besides Roman.

s c r e e c h

The two brother screamed at each other while still running playing cat with a glock and mouse.

Patton had to come in with the ultimate dad scolding, the twins apologised to each other even though Roman had nothing to apologise about.

"Now kiddo who gave you the gun?"
Remus smiles and Patton gasped
"I thought he knew not to give guns to you! Why'd he do it?"
"He wanted to test if a person could handle being with a gun or something"
"he could've tested someone else, I mean no harm but you are extremely you"
"It's a gift"
Virgil and Deceit walked over to Remus and Virgil picked up Remus and held Deciet's hand.

"Maybe you'll get the gun next time, padre."

Deceit said with a smile then the couple walked away back to their side of the mindscape.

"Do you want the gun..?"
Roman asked Patton gesturing to the gun on the floor,
"Kiddo, I would never"
Roman gained a little smile and went to his room.
Once Roman was gone Patton picked up the gun,
"Maybe one day if I give up"
He said and ran into his room only to be tackled by Roman.

"I'm not leaving you alone until you appreciate yourself"
Roman took the gun and threw it into Virgil's old room.
This couple went into Patton's room to watch movies, hopefully something that could make Patton forget about the glock.


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