Heathers AU|| Remile

701 14 4

◈ Genre: Comedy? ◈
⍍ Trigger Warnings: none ⍍
◍ Words: 812 ◍


This is a Heathers AU, It's bad but enjoy?


Remy King, Roman Prince and Remus Duke.
All popular and known for all having names that begin in R and having last names related to the same type of thing.

Remus Duke,
Oddly fabulous...
he is head cheerleader and his dad is loaded...he sells engagement rings.
Also he's the only one who is nice to everyone in his own sweet...confusing way.

Roman Prince,
He became popular after his friendship with Remus was public. He's attractive and acts a lot in plays which made people continue to love him plus he does yearbook committee.

Remy King,
He nicknames people and is like the king of the school. Apparently he's a mythic bitch.


"Dang...that was harsh Remy..."
A smaller guy said patting Roman on the back,

"It doesn't matter, he's a side character that makes me look better~"

"maybe we should do something about the thing here"

Roman spoke, annoyed at the mere fact that somebody else was here, somebody who wasn't as popular.

"This thing is beautiful, he has a symmetrical face! I know since if I took a meat cleaver down the center of his skull, I'd have matching halves~"

Remus said all with a smile, while having a meat cleaver out and spinning it around like a toy.

Remy looked at Remus slightly annoyed which was enough to make him put away his toy.

"Who are you again?"
Remy looked at me raising his eyebrow.

"Gahh! Um...I'm Emile Picani, I do report cards, permission slips, absence notes, and therapy..."

"How about prescriptions?"

"Shut up Roman"

"Sorry Remy..."

Remy walked around me like I was his prey... he smiled and had gotten close.
His face was close to mine it was suffocating but it seemed like he cared about how I reacted.

...Of course the panicked gay that I am, blushed the moment I realised how close he was, turning me into the red colour that decorated Roman's outfit.

He laughed,
"Not used to human interaction? I thought you did a lot of that with all the work you have"

I pushed him away
"Normal...human interaction, not this type"

"OoOooo, new boyfriend?"

Remy glared at Roman,


"sorry remy..."

"Now short helper—"
I could hear him say but it was late Remus had dragged me out of bathroom and into the hallway.

"Do you have friends?"
He said while bouncing,
He kinda reminds me of—
I said louder than I wanted.
Patton has been my friend since diapers! He's great and adorable. Remus reminds me of him...sorta, well Remus is more bold with his words.

He sounded strange, like he was scared...

"Ahh! Sorry...it's just he's a good friend of mine I didn't know you two were friends!"

"Oh! Sorry for the surprising news"
I smiled and he smiled back.

"I have to go to practice see ya new frienddd!" He skipped away. I don't know why people are scared of him he seems normal, sure the meat cleaver comment wasn't needed but still.


"You became friends with Remus?"
Patton questioned with a confused smile,

"Yeah! He's really nice plus he said he'll come in for therapy so I think he trusts me"

I smiled and noticed small hints of pink on Patton when I did, strange...

"I'm glad he enjoys you!"
"I'm glad I'm enjoyable!"

He turned around and I heard the sound of something great at least that's what Patton says.

"Emile, you seemed somewhat stressed what's wrong?"

"Oh...um it's just...heh..."
I blushed from embarrassment.

"I think Remy enjoys me too, stupid I know..."

Patton turned his head, he looked angry for a moment but then the joy came rushing to his face.

"I'm sure he does but I have a question"
"Ask away!"

"Want a sip?"
He offered his drink

"I don't really want to have a brain freeze right now"
He seemed disappointed,

"Cmon just freeze your brain!"
He smiled and bounced.

"Okay fine~"
I took a sip, at first it was fine then it came

"Son of bitch!"
I covered my mouth after I let those words out, Patton just giggled.

Then we head the bell of the door, Someone entered and we ignored it until

"Hey Emile Picani~"
A voice said...flirtatiously?
I turned only to see a guy wearing sunglasses with a smile.

"Uhm! Hiya...Remy!"
I said blushing...it's not even a secret I like him, I can't even hide it.

Remy looked at Patton, they shared at glare at each other.

"Remy King..."

"Patton Dean"

"I didn't know you came here..."

"I don't I just came because I wanted to steal someone"
He picked me up bridle style
Then he ran.

I waved awkwardly as Patton slowly got farther away, all I could tell was he waved back annoyed.


I made this purely because I rewatched the Heathers musical. Also I did make Patton JD and kinda Martha. They all are out of character huh? Also this is really bad I'm sorry if you read this ;-;

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