Waiting || Prinxiety

680 16 8

◈ Genre: Angst ◈
⍍ Trigger Warnings: abandonment? ⍍
◍ Words: 318 ◍


"I love you and I will come back.. I promise"

Last words he said as he got dragged away from my grasp...
I've been waiting for years he hasn't returned yet.

1 year
I waited happily,
holding his favourite flowers.
Hours in, my friend called me inside.
I waited every day until the year was over.

2 years
I continued to wait.
I wasn't as hopeful but the hope was there. I waited hours, and hours.. and hours each day. Each time he didn't come. My friend told me he was coming but I started to believe that wasn't true..
The year finished he hadn't returned.

3 years
I waited, each day, hours in the same place. My feet hurt but they've gotten used to ground I stood in each time, stood like a wilted flower that everyone refused to remove. I stood there practically hopeless. My friend came outside with my other friend. He yelled that Roman was never coming back but my other friend shushed him, saying
"It's not wrong for him to dream!"
I grew frustrated, it was the last day of that year. He still hadn't come back.. was it just a stupid dream..? We went inside, it was too cold for us.

4 years
I still waited, they still tried to give me hope, they tried to convince he could come back. Some of them tried to convince me he wasn't coming and I should move on. I never did.

5 years
I waited

6 years
I waited

7 years
I waited

8 years
I waited

9 years
I waited

10 years
I waited


30 years
I had been waiting.. I stopped eating at this point.. I grew weak.. my vision became blurry and I had one last look at the forest that he was meant to come back from.. then I fell.. I thought I fell asleep but I woke up dead.


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