Understand || "Platonic" Prinxiety

498 12 12

◈ Genre: Angst,Comfort?,Fluff ◈
⍍ Trigger Warnings: hinted eating disorder, self deprecation,
self harm scars ⍍
◍ Words: 945 ◍


Roman felt useless.. he's always just the one known to be dramatic.. he didn't really have a use. His ideas never seemed good enough for anyone, Logan normal turned it all down for being to much of a fantasy than reality, Patton never really told Roman anything but he couldn't help but feel like he was annoying the father figure...

He would just cry to himself in his room writing down stuff, sometimes drawing himself looking more.. worth it.

Thoughts filled his mind.

"Cause he's just a little attention attracter!"

His eyes teared up as he continued to write his thoughts.. the thoughts that he wished to hide.. he noticed that he had wrote every single thought that came to him at that moment..

Someone could notice his emotions but he wasn't important enough to be cared for, Patton was the heart, Logan was the brains, Virgil was the fight or flight instinct.. even the dark sides seemed to matter more..

Soon he couldn't control his tears and they all flooded out. He cried for what felt like hours but was only a couple minutes until his cries were heard by the anxious trait that he strongly disliked.

A soft knock came from the opposite side of the door.

A bit of panic raised in the prince. He replied to the knock in a quiet voice unlike his normal tone, "w-who is it..?"
The side behind the door stood there quiet, he didn't know if it was the right thing to do.. should he have gotten Patton instead..? Possibly but it was too late now, Virgil stood in front the prince's door already making his presence known.

He said not much louder than Roman's voice.

"May I come in..?"

Hesitate, Roman thought for a moment if he should. Him and Virgil never really had a proper conversation it normally turned into whoever could make the better nickname to piss off the other.

Finally from the other side Virgil saw the knob turn and the door open. He faced the prince whose face was covered in tears and.. messed up makeup?

Once the door was opened enough to allow the anxious trait inside he was surprised on how the creative trait had his room designed.

The walls were a very light side of red one close to white, along the top part of the walls there was those fancy red curtains. On the walls were Disney posters. Everything made sense but the part that surprised Virgil was one large paper the size of the posters. On the paper there was rules. Rules that the creative trait seemed to force himself to follow.

The rules showed a problem that Roman had.. actually the rules showed the two problems that could led Roman to a state where it would damage Thomas and damage Roman deeply.

The rules forced Roman to eat only a few types of food but once the list of foods he could eat ended the next rule said,

Throw up the food

He continued to read a few rules until they started to trigger Virgil.. the few rules were about Roman harming himself in any way.. it being mentally or physically...

It was horrible to see someone Virgil viewed as confident, the side that cared and loved them self the most.

He looked at Roman and rubbed off the makeup as well as he could. It was enough to reveal bruises on his face, Virgil looked Roman in the eyes. Roman couldn't face Virgil.. someone noticed.. someone found out. He avoided Virgil's eyes as best as he could.

Virgil tapped in Roman's shoulder and pointed at his own arm, once Roman looked over the anxious trait pulled up his sleeve to reveal several scars and bruises that were still healing.

Virgil felt like if he showed Roman that he understand they weren't too different from a mental standpoint. After he shown those scars Roman told Virgil about his own. This was finally the moment he's waited for. The moment he could tell someone about everything without getting told it wasn't an important issue and that he was trying to make it seem like their reality as only a show. Without being told his needs were nothing and that he should push them into nothing.

They talked for hours and soon it felt as they had uncovered a friendship that had been buried away. To lighten the mood they started to go on about Disney movies and how much they enjoyed the movies and what they showed.

After a while they ended up just watching Disney movies. Up until Virgil told Roman that he wanted to show him a masterpiece, Roman looked at Virgil awaiting you be impressed. Unexpectedly Virgil grabbed Roman's face and said "Shrek forever after" with confidence that came from nowhere. Roman stared blankly with a tint of pink on his cheeks. Virgil started up the movie and once it was over Roman was crying. The princely side said in his sobs "It was so beeeauuutiful" a pat on the back was all Virgil did after hearing this.

They noticed it had become day very early in the day. Virgil looked at Roman with a tiny smile that charmed the prince, the anxious one pecked Roman in the nose and went back into his own room. As Roman sat there blushing wondering what that was about he enjoyed it but still he was curious.

Later in the day once Logan and Patton woke up they were shocked to find in the kitchen there was Virgil sitting on the counter drinking coffee smiling while Roman rambled to him while making pancakes.


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