Kindergarten crush || Remile

551 5 10

◈ Genre: Fluff, Angst ◈
⍍ Trigger Warnings: friendship falling apart? ⍍
◍ Words: 717 ◍


He is so pretty..
A thought that ran into my mind whenever I saw Remy pass the halls.
We were in kindergarten so I didn't think much of it, just that I thought this boy was cute. I was barely noticed in kindergarten, nobody spoke to me. Well.. I had one friend but she moved before first grade started.

In first grade my class was full of new people, a bunch I've never seen except..
There he was.. with his beautiful dark brown eyes that almost appeared black but the sun would hit just right each time, his dark chocolate hair that was so neat and pretty, along with his choice in clothing that always looked amazing.

We became friends. We sat at a table with mainly females so the teacher gave us our own, a tiny table but it's perfect for the two of us.

We loved each other's company, he drew me from time to time. Never getting my hair colour right but I adored each drawing with my whole heart.

A new kid joined the class, his name was Roman, he had no where to sit. Each table was full so we invited him to our table, we quickly became friends.

A small group we were...

Second grade we started to drift apart.. each of us were in different classes.
Only seeing each other at recess.

Third grade we barely spoke to each other, Remy made so many new friends, Roman had made new ones too. I made a some as well. We sometimes saw each other and would wave.

Fourth grade we continued to rarely speak to one another. I held on to the friends I'd kept and it was a great year.

Fifth grade was fine.. I still had the friends I made and in this class Roman was there. We would speak to each other, not that much but we still did. He remembered the friendship we had and introduced me to his new best friend. It was lovely. I didn't speak to Remy at all though...

Sixth grade.. middle school.
Remy was in two of my classes,
Roman was in one. I spoke to Roman a few times he had another friend in the class so we rarely spoke. The class I shared with him was advisory, for a while I had no friends in that class until two girls saw me drawing and decided to speak to me. It was great, I made another friend in that class soon after. She was a friend of the two girls so it kinda just happened.

Remy was in my gym class and my chorus class. We never spoke to each other...
I would catch him looking at me from time to time and I would look at him a lot, never being caught unless it was just us staring at each other. He was still so beautiful.. sadly he just never acted like he remembered our friendship. I would see him talk to his new friends, his new ones where decently popular in our grade.. he was decently popular in our grade.

His friends would sometimes speak to me, I didn't know why. I never knew why. I made a new friend and I lied to him.. I told him I hated Remy. Well I hated how much I missed him..

The years went by and we continued to never speak to each other.

Then one day..

"Hey, how are you?"

I missed his voice.. I might've been hearing it in the background but I missed it speaking to me...

It seemed at this point we were complete opposites.. yet both of us were decently popular.

His words gave me a smile.. I cherished his existence for a while, refusing to let go of the memories he gave me.

"I'm well.. how are you?"

I saw him smile, I loved his smile.
This moment was wonderful the wind flew in my fluffy hair like a paid actor.
We talked for hours enjoying each other's company once again.


But then...

I woke up

It was the reality of him not being in my life so I checked the time and it was 1:08am so I decided to write something based on the events.

I cried afterwards.

I missed him so much


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