"Do Me Next" || Prinxiety

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◈ Genre:Comedy ◈
⍍ Trigger Warnings:
Slight Dirty Humour ⍍
◍ Words:517 ◍


It was shock to both Virgil and Roman when Thomas burst into the living room where two were both sitting; Virgil on one side of the couch, Roman on the other.

"Roman I need your help!" Thomas exclaimed panting.

Roman smirked and stood up. "Of course you do Thomas, why wouldn't you need this wonderful princes hel-"

"Virgil I need yours too!"

Roman looked over at Virgil who was just as in shock.

"Excause me Thomas but did you just say you needed Dr. Gloom's help with something you needed me for?!! This prince should be more then enough " Roman asked, baffled.

Thomas rolled his eyes. "Roman I thought we agreed to be nicer to Virgil" he scolded. "Whatever.. What do you need us for anyway?" Roman asked.

"You see I had this idea for a vine and I need you two be in it, come here so I can tell you the details and what you both need to do..."


As soon as the camera began to roll Roman got into his part.

"Wheres the princess?" he asked, aggressively.

Virgil also got into his part.

"Under my curse, only to be woken up by true loves kiss" he replied with a smirk.

"Then there's only one thing to do!"

Virgil got ready remembering the next line Thomas told him to say.

"Do me next"

Vrigil looked up in shock. T-That wasn't the line Roman was supposed to say. As that line played over for a split second Virgil felt his mind go to places it shouldn't. He forgot his line and all he could mutter out was a surprised "What?"

Roman in those quick moments had realized his "error" and followed up Virgil's line with, "I haven't slept in ages".

When the two went back to Thomas he had a big grin on his face. "Roman you messed up there but I'm glad you managed to improvise, in fact the messed up lines happened to make this even better!" Thomas told the two gleefully, "I'm going to go edit this, I'll see you two later." With that Thomas walked off with the phone in hand to piece together the parts into a short video.

After Thomas left Virgil turned to Roman. "Ya know Princey, your improvised part really threw me off, thank god it was just an improvision" Virgil said.

Roman stared at Virgil for a moment before pushing him against the nearest wall. "Oh really Virgil?" Roman asked with a smirk, "you thought it was a just an joke?" Roman chuckled slightly, leaning his face next to Virgils right ear. "Maybe I meant what I said" Roman whispered seductively.

Roman back away and removed his hand from the wall. He gave Virgil a quick wink before walking away.

Virgil just stood there in shock. His face was turning quite red, very easy to see under his white foundation. He kept replaying the whole scene over in his mind feeling his face heat up even more.

In the end he just buried his face in this hoodie and went back to his room


sanders sides oneshots  |  completed Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora